Deze vraag en de antwoorden daarop zijn alleen beschikbaar in Engels

  • Koppeltherapie
  • Op 25/09/2023 ingediend

Why won't my husband stop smoking even though it strains our relationship?

why won't my husband stop smoking even though he knows it bothers me? he knows it puts a strain on our relationship but he still does it. he promises to stop but then after a few months, he does it again. whenever he picks up the habit again it starts slowly, and then he falls right back into it. I am so frustrated to the point of having a headache because I am tired of repeating the same thing repeatedly. It always feels like a betrayal every time he starts smoking again because I put my trust in his words when he says he understands the strain his smoking has on our relationship. Whenever I find out that he has smoked, my mood changes. Then our day gets ruined then I start feeling guilty or responsible for the ominous atmosphere that has been created. But I can't accept this bad habit. He sees the strain it has on our relationship but I don't know why he just won't make up his mind. I wish he would just stop making promises that he can't keep. He could just tell me that he can't quit smoking just because it bothers me and that if he is ever to quit someday it will come from him. And he won't be quitting just because of me.

6 zorgverleners hebben geantwoord

  • welcome to the systemic and interactionnal approch of Palo Alto, which I'm practising. It's a strategic approach and I love the situation you're describing...because the method is tailor made for that type of interactional problem you are describing.

    Johanna Touzel



  • The reason to stop smoking must can from him to have good results. Thanks!

    Luz Granados Londoño



  • It's clear that this situation is causing significant distress for both you and your husband, and it's understandable that you would feel frustrated and betrayed by the cycle of promises and relapses. Here are some points that might help in addressing the question and providing support:

    Understanding Addiction: Smoking is a powerful addiction, primarily due to nicotine, which is a highly addictive substance. It's important to recognize that quitting smoking is often not just a matter of willpower. The physical and psychological aspects of nicotine addiction can make it extremely difficult for someone to stop smoking, even
    ... Meer lezen

    Jördi Gerry-Kostov



  • Hello! First of all my apologies for this late answer, I never received a notification from the website.
    About your husband's situation, smoking is a really difficult habit to quit, many people even go to therapy because of it. Behind an addiction there are emotional issues that must be worked, at certain point smoking is giving him what he might be needing (in a very short-time), like lowering his level of anxiety. For instance, this goes beyond avoid bothering you, his need is stronger. He might be struggling with trying to quit and make you feel respected, so you must stop thinking that this is about you. Tell him that this bother
    ... Meer lezen

    Rosangelica Arraiz Mujica



  • Hello, smoking is an addiction and it is not easy to stop. Just stop alone can cause a lot relapses. A psychological help for addiction to smoking is recommended. Hypnoses also can be an option.

    Giulia Giacomelli



  • Dear Madam, an addiction is very difficult to stop with a snap of the fingers and even less if you put pressure on it. what meaning does it make for your husband to smoke? Is it to calm anxiety? I would suggest that you take a step back and find qualities in your husband, so that he has less pressure and perhaps he could consider reducing his smoking. a positive attitude helps much better than fixating on the problem. Carine Duray

    Carine Duray-Parmentier



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