Good afternoon, my name is Daryna, I currently live in Belgium, a month ago I was in Ukraine and changed a temporary crown to a zirconium one, a few days ago my tooth started to hurt when pressed, now it just secretly hurts. Can you help me and what will be the price of the treatment?
The consultation is 30eur
Hi, i am sorry to hear that, i can suggest you to consult, at first for the diagnostic, after that we can give you more information about the treatment and the price in your specific case.
Kind regards
Probabaly you have to do root canal treatement
Hello Miss, for the first time you need to make an appointment for a consultation, see where the problem comes from and at that time we can talk about the treatment of your crown.'s seems like there's an infection and that a roots treatyment needs to be done.
Good day, I think it is an infection on the root of the tooth. Yes, we can help you but we cannot give you the price before we know exactly what is the problem. You can make an appointment for a consultation and an X ray which are reimboursed by the insurance and from there we can go further.
Hello Daryna,
A clinical diagnosis is necessary. There are different reasons it can hurt with pressure after placing a new crown (the crown may be a little bit too high, the roots may be infected or something else). I encourage you to make an appointment with a dentist for a diagnosis.
Yours sincerely,
Mahdi Kashkooli
Hello Daryna, you need a clinical exam and probably a dental radio to see what is happening. The best is to take appointement to see what we can do. The price depends of your mutuel but it goes from 0 to 8,5 euros for the consultation and the rx (0 if OMNIO and 8,5 if normal)
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