You should start by consulting a general practitioner , as your symptoms could indicate nerve compression. The general practitioner can assess your condition and, if necessary, refer you to a specialist.
You can see your doctor first and he can prescribe session for physiotherapist.
First you need to see a general doctor which send you to make complementary examinations. After that, he will surely advies you to make kinesitherapy sessions to help you recovery.
You should see a neurosurgeon. Here surgery should be prescribed depending of how much lack of force you have and where. Some physio can also help you to handle this symptomes
Best regards
Thibault Cramesnil Physiotherapist
The description of your symptoms probably seems to indicate a nervous problem. The sciatic nerve can cause pain along its entire path (from low back to the foot) and reduce strength in it. As a first step, you can consult your general practitioner for physiotherapy. If the symptoms persist or increase, it is preferable to do medical imaging to determine the origin of the problem. Good luck !
Hello, Yes of course if you feel some tingling in your leg/foot you should at least go to your generalist who will refer you to a specialist.
When you loose strenght or sensation of touch, it is an emergency and should go see a neuro surgeon in a hospital.
Hello, you should see a General practictionner first and then he will refer you to a physiotherapist. You are welcome if you want to come in my office. Have a good day!
The symptoms you describe seem to indicate a neurological problem that is best investigated further as soon as possible.
You can contact a neurology specialist for this immediately or through your GP on referral. However, the latter option will take more time, and since you already show a motor deficit (reduced active dorsiflexion of the ankle), it is best not to lose too much time.
I think general practitioner because it's quiker than a specialist.
If you can't completely lift your foot, it is an indicator to see you GP. If your loss of strength (incapacity to lift your foot against gravity) appeared in less than 24h, it is an indicator to go to the emergency because a nerve may be trapped. If it appeared in more than 24h, seeing your GP will be enough and he will probably recommend you some physio.
Good evening,
You should go to the emergency room. It's a bad sing that you have trouble with your foot.
if you have a trouble with your leg I advise you to see your an other one general practitioner asap.
The symptoms you're describing, including lower back pain that extends to your leg, tingling, and difficulty lifting your foot (which sounds like **foot drop**), are concerning and could be indicative of a nerve-related issue, possibly involving the sciatic nerve or a condition like a herniated disc.
Given these symptoms, you should consult a **neurologist** or an **orthopedic specialist** with a focus on spine health. These specialists are well-equipped to evaluate and manage conditions related to nerve impingement, herniated discs, or other spinal issues that might be causing your symptoms.
### Here’s what you can do:...
1. **Start with a General Practitioner (GP):** In many healthcare systems, it’s common (or required) to see a GP first. They can perform an initial assessment, possibly order some imaging studies like an MRI or X-ray, and then refer you to the appropriate specialist.
2. **Direct Specialist Consultation:** If your healthcare system allows or if you have direct access, you could see a neurologist or orthopedic specialist directly, especially given the neurological symptoms like tingling and foot drop.
### Why It's Important:
- **Neurologist:** Can evaluate nerve function and determine if there's nerve compression or damage.
- **Orthopedic Specialist (Spine):** Can assess spinal health and any structural issues that could be causing your symptoms.
This condition could require timely intervention to prevent further nerve damage, so I recommend seeking medical attention as soon as possible.
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