My mother-in-law (88 yo) has ostheoarthritis of one of her hips. It gives her a lot of pain, and we were told previously that it can not be as such cured, she should simply use pain killers. Also, we have a disabled parking permit for her from the UK where we moved from. We would like to obtain a similar permit (carte de stationnement) in Belgium where we currently live. There are therefore two questions: 1) what doctor do we need to see for the general ostheoarthritis consultation and prescription of the pain killers 2) would the same doctor be able to keep and provide upon request the information required for our application for the carte stationnement Thank you very much!
You need a general practice
General practitioner medical doctor that you choose as a personal doctor will be able to do medical exam, prescribe the medications if it is needed, and also make a demande for the carte for parking for the person with the reduced mobility.
Best regards,
Daniela Mitkovska
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