Hello, I have a bump under my feet. It seems like plantar fibroma when I google search it. Which type of doctor should I see to show it? any recommendations? Thanks
Hi. Physiotherapist (doctor) .
Hello, you need to see an orthopedic doctor so that an ultrasound can be done to see what is going on.
Hello , an orthopaedist specialiste for the feet and the the podologue if you need for insoles.
Hello, in the case of plantar pathology, the best way to know what is happening is to do an ultrasound. You can first go to your osteopath for opinion.
Best regards.
Hello. You could see either a general doctor or a sports doctor (médecin de sport). Both can prescribe un ultrasound which is most probably the most convenient exam in this case.
The sports doctor could also examine the foot/ankle (which is not the specialty of a general doctor).
I would first ask the opinion of my GP who will send you if necessary to an orthopedist or a dermatologist or maybe just a podiatrist.
The GP to start with is a good thing.
Have a good evening and I hope I was able to help you. Sincerely.
Hello, does it hurt ?
You can see an orthopedist. Do you have pain ?
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