Dear doctor, I just found out I am pregnant (week 5) and would like to see which supplement of folic acid / folate / methylfolate is best? Can I take both acid folic and methylfolate? Can one take too much of acid folic or methylfolate? I started taking Omnibionta pronatal 1 and also a vit B complex from Pure encapsulations, Zinc 15, Selenium 55. I regularly take Q10, Vit D3 and Omega 3. I am mostly worried about folic acid / methylfolate / folate as I know it is crucial now and also there is a debate which one is best. Many thanks
Je suggère un examen gynécologique - obstétrique.
to start Omnibionta is very good, after that you should see your doctor to prescribe you what is necessary.
In contrast to what people think, you can take too many supplements. And that's exactly what you're doing right now. OmniBionta on it's own, contains largely enough of all necessary vitamins for the start of pregnancy. In some people this product contains sometimes even too much in iron, which is no problem for a short period, but shouldn't be continued for long if there's no carence in Iron. .
OmniBionta is an old kind of supplement, but OK to start with till you had your first prénatal visit, which you should book very urgently while there are waitinglists everywhere.
Dr.Myriam Str...uyven.
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it is better to make an appointment with a gynecologist.
I think it is better to discuss it with your gynecologist . What you take already by omnibionta metafolin and acid folic is ok .
D abord ne pas prendre n importe quoi! Seulement des vitamines de grossesse avec du lethylfolate suffit! Rien d autre!
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