Hi, What are the necessary procedures and timeline for a foreigner with Crohn's disease, who requires Infliximab treatment every six weeks, to initiate and receive this treatment in Belgium while living and working there?
The only procedure is to visit a gastroentérologist who is specialize to inflammatory disease AND it's better to consul in the hospital..
It is very complex because the hospital pharmacy doesn't deliver this médication without an agreement of reimbursement. The best way is to switch to infliximab sub cutaneously every 2 weeks with your gastroenterologist and to travel with your doses.
It is necessary to be followed by a gastro-enterologist who will need the proofs of the disease (previous endoscopic results and medical reports) and who will then prescribe the treatment and apply for its reimbursement by the social security. So the first steps are to take an appointment with a GE doctor and to be in order with the social security system. As a 6 weeks treatment is already an optimized (=non conventional) treatment, it is probably better to go to an universitary department
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