I am moving to belgium with my adult son who is my dependent. He has ADHD and is prescribed medications which I administer.currently we are in singapore. May I request to know the paper work required for transfer of his case to the relevant doctor?
You need the paper from his crurent doctor.
You have just to ask an appointment to the neurologist .
Good morning, You just have to bring the printed papers from the specialists in Singapore so that I can understand his diagnose and medication treatment. Other than that you have to bring your identity card and you can book an appointment. Kind regards
Welcome to Belgium.
There is no specific paperwork to do provided you have a health insurance. You have to find a psychiatrist skilled in ADHD, according to the place you inted to live in Belgium. It woyld be useful to provide him with the medical reports from the psychiatrist who's currently following your son.
You can ask to your doctor in Singapour his médical dossier ,in papier it s better
I don't understand the meaning of the question. If you bring the fils of your son you can bring his file to the consultation, the doctor will examine his case. you don't have to do paper work to transfer his case beforhand.
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