an orthopedist specialized in hand surgery ;)
You should see your GP or an orthopedic/sports medicine specialist. They will conduct an assessment to determine if further imaging, such as a scan, is necessary. Your doctor will likely provide a prescription for physiotherapy to begin rehabilitation.
Salut ! Je te recommande de consulter un traumatologue, et avec l'ordonnance de séances de kiné (qu'il te prescrira probablement), de consulter un kiné familiarisé avec l'escalade et la rééducation des blessures. En escalade, des blessures aux poulies, des ligaments présents dans les doigts, surviennent fréquemment en raison du poids que nous ne sommes pas habitués à supporter avec nos mains. Il existe des traitements pour soulager la douleur, ainsi que des programmes d'entraînement spécialisés pour renforcer les doigts et rééduquer la main après l...a blessure avant de reprendre l'escalade intense, afin de prévenir les blessures futures Meer lezen
A specialist of the hand, check on internet :)
Hello, orthopedics: hand specialist
Sports Doctor
A hand surgeon
It's a common injury among climbers. Recently, a friend came to see me with this type of injury. It can have different origins: ligament, muscle, pulley, capsule and sometimes bone.
For this type of injurie, your GP will be able to refer you. If you want a specialist's point of view, a sports doctor might be interesting.
After that, a physiotherapist will help you get back to your sporting level.
You may be have to see a sport medecine docteur or an orthopédist.
you should see an orthopedic surgeon
You should see a hand surgeon for an assessment
Hello, the first thing you should do is consult your GP. He will refer you if necessary. Kind regards
You can see a physiotherapist if your medical system allows for direct access. They should be able to do a thorough assessment to identify the structures involved and start you on a program. Although if you have other more serious symptoms like numbness, tingling, loss of function or constant swelling then it is best to visit urgent care for immediate attention.
You can see your general practitioner. You may need an appointment with a physiotherapist to do a load management to help you start climbing again in good conditions.
Search "Clinique de la main" on google, or go to see any orthopedist or sport doctors or general practitionner, then go to see a physio specialised in musculo-skeletical troubles (or even specialised in the hand troubles)
Best regards,
Thibault Cramesnil Physiotherapist
You can pass by your general practitioner who can investigate the problem first hand or go directly towards an orthopedic surgeon with the hand as specialization.
Hello, a hand orthopedist
For hand injuries from climbing, consider consulting an orthopedic specialist or a hand surgeon for a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment recommendations.
You should see first a doctor, then an orthopedist if it the doctor judge that it’s necessary
hand surgeon (don't mean you will opered)
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