Dr. Ivan Dimov graduated with high distinction from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in 2016 and completed his specialization in internal medicine and cardiology within the ULB hospital network in Brussels. He is currently resident in the cardiology department at "Saint Pierre University Hospital" in Brussels where he is responsible for inpatient management and is part of the heart failure and echocardiography clinics. He also collaborates with the intensive care team in the management of patients with severe heart failure and cardiogenic shock. As part of his subspecialization in heart failure, he is completing an Interuniversity Diploma (DIU) in advanced heart failure at the University of Montpellier. Dr. Dimov is available at the Walzin Medical Centre for all general cardiology consultations, such as: management of hypertension, heart failure and coronary artery disease, rhythm disorders, preoperative check-ups, as well as the prevention of cardiovascular risk factors. He is a member of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), the Heart Failure Association (HFA), and the Young Cardiologists Club (YCC) of the Belgian Society of Cardiology (BSC).