Dr. Julie Barbier aesthetic physician with several years of experience. She specializes in cosmetic medicine of the face and body, as well as anti-aging consultations. For her, aesthetic medicine is no longer a taboo. Taking care of your skin helps to maintain youthfulness and improve self esteem. The treatments are performed after a diagnostic consultation with botulinum toxin (Botox®), different hyaluronic acids, trichloroacetic acid peels, mesotherapy or through the new technology of HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) : the ULVERIN. Aesthetic medicine is also interested in weight loss and physical well-being through a medical accompanying weight loss, the treatment of cellulite and fatty deposits in particular via mesotherapy specifically, the ULVERIN or Cryolipolysis. graduate of ULB since 2007, she receives you in Soignies, Hannut and Woluwe Saint-Lambert.
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