As co-founder of the Center Liegeois Study and Treatment of Infertility (CLETS) and former head of Medically Assisted Procreation service-CHC Clinic Saint Vincent (Rocourt), Dr. Pierre REMACLE has extensive experience in the support of the diagnostic socket and the treatment of the couple fertility problems. his second pole of interest is the functional and medical gynecology (supported gynecological endocrine disorders, menopause ...). Dr. REMACLE also ensures gynecological monitored (ultrasound, birth control, colposcopy, ...). It will ensure the development of your application to contact one of the specific services-CHC Clinic Saint Vincent in Rocourt (Breast Clinic, Clinic of prolapse and incontinence, Liège Center for endometriosis, ...). Finally Dr. REMACLE monitors pregnancies and deliveries in practice - CHC website at Rocourt Saint Vincent and soon the Mont Legia Clinic in Liège.
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