Jeoffrey Fivez has been a professional physiotherapist since 2003. He has over 17 years of experience in his field. Since he finished his studies in physical therapy and rehabilitation at the ISCAM University, the health professional Jeoffrey Fivez has started a rich and exciting career. Indeed, he had to prove himself in many structures including the Saint-Pierre Ottignies hospital. He is specialized in M.D.B. Fasciatherapy, in Sports Kinetics, in Orthopedic and Traumatological Kinetics. Rigorous and very attentive to his patients, physiotherapist Jeoffrey Fivez has already satisfied several patients who would not hesitate to recommend him. During his academic career, he had to write a thesis on the diagnostic and therapeutic value of articular noises of the manducatory apparatus. This allowed him to deepen his knowledge on the subject. He is also a member of the Axxon association and attends several conferences in order to keep up with the changes in the field of physical therapy. Jeoffrey Fivez welcomes you to the Mont-Saint-Jean Medical Center in Waterloo. Appointments are on a contract basis and can last an average of 30 minutes.