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Passionate about physiotherapy and patient care, I welcome you and accompany you with pleasure on the journey of healing and autonomy. I was able to learn to treat all types of pathologies during my studies in physiotherapy and motor science at the Haute Ecole Bruxelles-Brabant ISEK before finding my specialization in lymphology. Indeed, I subsequently had the opportunity to begin my career at the Jules Bordet Institute where I was able to train for 4 years in lymphology and treatment of edema as well as post-oncological physical treatments. . I therefore offer you complete treatments that are adapted to you for optimal monitoring of the treatment of your edema. Although specialized, my training also allows me to offer you treatments adapted to your various health concerns while respecting your objectives.

I reserve you a warm welcome to our private practice Leduc located at Avenue des Dix Arpents 30 in the town of Woluwe-Saint-Lambert near the Roodebeek metro station as well as in Uccle very close to Place Vanderkindere, rue des Carmelites 152, Médi Vanderkindere. To make an appointment with me, consult the online agenda or contact me at +32 479 386 586.

Faced with difficulty, do not decide to fight alone, our job is to guide you.

  • License number: 54399380527
The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


Relative Experience

  • General
  • Orthopedic
  • Scar
  • Post operative
  • Lipolysis
  • Massage therapy
  • Breast cancer care
84 patients' recommendations


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

Patient Reviews

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    • Cash
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  • Physiotherapy and motor sciences in 2015 at the HE2B ISEK University of Applied Sciences

Professional experience

  • Kinésithérapeute, Institut Jules Bordet, Belgique (2015 - 2019)
  • Bénévolat en Service d’aides aux personnes handicapées, Association Belge des paralysés et Auxilia, Belgique (2011 - 2019)
  • Assistant de recherche clinique, Institut Jules Bordet, Belgique (2015 - 2019)
  • Coordinateur de la clinique de lymphologie, Institut Jules Bordet, Belgique (2018 - 2019)
  • Doctorat en kinésithérapie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgique (2017 - 2023)

Organisations member

  • ESL (European Society of Lymphology) as a full member and BeSL (Belgian Society of Lymphology) as an active member.

Participation in conferences

  • Participation in about ten lymphology congresses as a speaker or as an interested party.
  • Annual Congress in Mulhouse, European Society of Lymphology (ESL) (2016)
  • Annual Congress in Brussels, Belgian Society of Lymphology (BeSL) (2016)
  • Annual Congress in Stuttgart, European Society of Lymphology (ESL) (2017)
  • Joint Congress in Leuven, Belgian Society of Nuclear Medicine (BELNUC) and Belgian Society of Lymphology (BeSL) (2018)
  • Annual Congress in Brussels, Belgian Society of Lymphology (BeSL) (2018)
  • Annual Congress in Brussels , European Society of Lymphology (ESL) (2019)
  • 2nd Free Webinar, Belgian Society of Lymphology (BeSL) (2021)
  • World Congress in Grece, International Society of Lymphology (ISL) (2021)
  • Journée de la rééducation, Association Hautevilloise pour la recherche et l'étude en kinésithérapie (AHREK) (2021)
  • Journée Scientifique à Bruxelles, Amisek (2021)
  • Practical postgraduate course in edema treatment, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) (2022)
  • Annual Symposium in Grimbergen, Belgian Society of Lymphology (BeSL) (2023)

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French

Academic research and publications

  • 2016. Publications: 6 as second or third author, 1 as first author (Scintigraphic Investigations of the Deep and Superficial Lymphatic Systems in the Evaluation of Lower Limb Oedema published in Scientific Reports in 2019).
  • Entre 2015 et 2023 : a participé en tant que chercheur à certains protocoles qui ont débouché sur des publications comme premier auteur ou comme co-auteur dans des revues avec haut impact factor (dernière en date: Barbieux R, Doyenard S, Pluska A, Enciso K, Roman MM, Leduc O, Leduc A, Bourgeois P, Provyn S. Lymphoscintigraphy as a Therapeutic Guidance Tool Can Improve Manual Lymphatic Drainage for the Physical Treatment of Patients with Upper Limb Lymphedema: Randomized Clinical Trial. Lymphat Res Biol. 2023 May 17. doi: 10.1089/lrb.2022.0056. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37196203.)
  • Kinésithérapeute indépendant conventionné en cabinet libéral depuis 2019


  • What is the address of the health professional Romain Barbieux?

    The health professional Romain Barbieux is located at Rue des Carmélites 152 in Uccle.

Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Romain Barbieux and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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