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  • License number: 608160-30
The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


Relative Experience

  • Dysarthria
  • Dysphagic
  • Child and adult
  • Oral language
  • Stroke (Cerebral Vascular Accident)
  • Adult neurological disorder
  • Aphasic disorders
10 patients' recommendations


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

Also handles cases of children up to 12 years old

Patient Reviews

From 10 reviews
Cleanliness of the practice
Clear information on the pathology
Clear information on the side effects

Contact and location

    • Address
      Cabinet privé, Rue Père de Deken 48, Rez-de-chaussée, Etterbeek
    • Parking
      • No parking available
Could not find any practice in map.

Payment Methods

  • Payment Methods

    • Payconiq

    Appointment Policy

    • Payment at the practice

      During your visit, you can select the payment method of your choice from the options mentioned above.

    • Cancellation

      You can always cancel up to 24 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.



  • Institut Libre Marie Haps - HE Léonard de Vinci, Bachelier en logopédie - mention "distinction" (2019 - 2022)
  • Marine Le Bastard, Application de la thérapie oromyofonctionnelle dans le cadre des traitements par aligneurs (2025)
  • Pascale Doucet, Apnées, ronflements et troubles du sommeil (2024)
  • Sylvien Josien, La prise en charge du patient parkinsonien selon les trois axes : dysarthrie, dysphagie, micrographie (2024)
  • Marie Chavialle et Guillaume Aussedat, Ortho'touch - thérapie manuelle appliquée aux troubles oromyofonctionnels (2024)
  • Marine Le Bastard, Les éducateurs fonctionnels dans la prise en soin myofonctionnelle orofaciale (2024)
  • Belgian Stroke Council et HENALLUX, Certification en neuroréadaptation et Stroke Unit (2024)
  • Marine Le Bastard et Mickaël Quentric, Bilan myo-fonctionnel oro-facial et orthodontie (2024)
  • Marion Girod-Roux, Réhabilitation de la déglutition en cancérologie ORL (2024)
  • Juliette Defever et Thomas Pintiaux, La voix de la personne transgenre (2024)
  • ORAVOICE, Prise en charge orthophonique post-intubation (2024)
  • Hannah Hayat, Prise en charge des troubles oromyofonctionnels chez l'enfant et l'adulte (2024)
  • Lucie Cambrai, La langue (2024)
  • Didier Bleeckx, Troubles de la déglutition de type adulte (2023)
  • Lucie Cambrai, La voix de l'adulte et de l'enfant (2023)
  • CHU Brugmann, Symposium nutrition et dysphagie (2023)

Professional experience

  • Logopède du programme de soins gériatriques et Stroke Unit, CHU Saint-Pierre, Belgique (2022 - Présent)
  • Logopède indépendant, Cabinet privé, Belgique (2022 - Présent)
  • Stagiaire logopède en revalidation et réadaptation gériatrique et psychogériatrique, CHU Saint-Pierre, Belgique (2021 - 2022)

Organisations member

  • Union Professionnelle des Logopèdes Francophones (UPLF), Membre (2022 - Présent)

Spoken languages

  • French


  • What is the address of the health professional Antoine dos Santos Pimenta?

    Rue Père de Deken 48 in Etterbeek is the address of the practitioner Antoine dos Santos Pimenta.

Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Antoine dos Santos Pimenta and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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  • doctoranytime does not sell nor reveals in any way the personal data which it collects about the user in third parties
  • doctoranytime does not sell nor reveals in any way the personal data which it collects about the user in third parties
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