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Dr Julien Tricot General Practitioner | doctoranytime Dr Julien Tricot General Practitioner | doctoranytime
License number: 17968952003
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I am a general practitioner with several years of experience, specializing in the runner's clinic, physio-nutrition and phytotherapy. I consult in Feluy at the practice la Cour Maitre Paul as well as in the center Le Ravel, place de la Station 11. I receive children, teenagers as well as sportswomen for vaccinations, annual check-ups, consultations of medical delegates or treatment of various ailments. Punctual, I do not hesitate to give my patients various warnings about the side effects of my treatments. Home visits are reserved for the elderly or those unable to travel. Please contact me by phone for this purpose. Payment by Payconiq is possible. One R.D.V. = one person.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

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  • Annual Control
  • General consultation
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  • Vaccination



  • UMONS - ULB - Doctorate in general medicine+UCL - ULG - Specialization in sports medicine+IEPP : Paris - Physionutrition+Clinique du coureur 1.0

Professional experience

  • Assistant to Dr. Fréderic Borlée : Anderlues+Doctor Spirou of Charleroi D1 season 2019-2021+Doctor of the youth school of Sporting de Charleroi+Doctor of several national and international motocross/enduro pilots+Doctor for the interuniversity championshi

Organisations member


Participation in conferences

  • Lille Congress+Runner's Clinic+Faculty of Motor Sciences+Regular training related to accreditation

Spoken languages

  • French

Academic Research and Publications

  • Dermatology publication SKIN: plantar skin patch+Dissertation 2018: intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma+Dissertation 2020: The differential diagnosis of anterior knee pain in general practice+


What is the address of practitioner Julien Tricot?

Cour Maître Paul 1 in Feluy is the address of Doctor Julien Tricot.

Is practitioner Julien Tricot accepting new patients?
What are the payment methods accepted by practitioner Julien Tricot?
What languages does Doctor Julien Tricot speak?
Is Dr. Julien Tricot a member of any associations?
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