Evidence-Based Alternative, Integrative, Functional, Complementary Medicine. Training from Harvard Medical School and from other International Universities and Institutes that provide Integrative, Alternative, Complementary and Functional Medicine. I have also completed a Master in BioMed-Engineering, and Frequency in Medicine at ULB, Brussels and Frequency at PhD in Neuroscience at Cajal Institute, Madrid. I participated in Scientific and Medical conferences, some as a speaker in Europe and in Latin America, such as for instance: - 1st International Conference of Nutrigenomics/ Nutrigenetics (2007) - XXXVI Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Guatemala - Genomics and Proteomics" (2008), and others as participant in Congresses in Monaco, Netherlands, Brazil and Mexico in Dermatology. Additionally, I have published scientific paper on a phyto-antioxidant (lycopene) "Kerr, C. Cale, J.M.S. Cabral and F. van Keulen- Factors enhancing lycopene production by a new Mycobacterium aurum mutant strain Bio-02", Biotechnology Letters Scientific Magazine (2004). I was an exam reviewer for the signature "Public Health & Health Economics" for the Hibernia College in Dublin, Ireland. In 2012, I was selected to receive an award for the contribution to one of the first European innovative Nutrigenetics and Personalized Medicine Companies.