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Julien Fontaine

Osteopath in Beersel

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For an EMERGENCY appointment: 0472/05.40.27 Approved Osteopath: Mutual reimbursement accepted. Graduated within the ULB, the osteopath D.O Fontaine Julien has the pleasure to receive you on Monday, Tuesday and Friday in Dilbeek. And in Rhode-Saint-Genèse on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. This diploma allowed him to validate the certificates of traumatology, rheumatology, pediatrics and semiology at the Faculty of Medicine of the ULB. These skills allow him to take care of each patient in complete safety. In his career, he supervised the practical remediation work at the ULB and was the manager of the ULB osteopathy clinic in Anderlecht. He was also in contact with the Belgian National Rugby team and various amateur sports teams. He won the Thomas Ouertani award in 2020. Trained in Cupping therapy and Dry needling. For more info :

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

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  • Back Problems 70€
  • Balance sheets 70€
  • Child Consultation 70€
  • Costal Pain 70€
  • Douleur Cervical aigüe From 70€
  • Emergency From €70 up to €90
  • General consultation 70€
  • Jaw Problems 90€
  • Joint Problems 70€
  • Lumbago aigüe 70€
  • Migraine 70€
  • Pregnant woman consultation 70€
  • Prise en charge complète : Cupping, ostéopathie , Dry Needling 1h15 90€
  • Sciatique 70€
  • Sports Injury 70€
  • Stress Management 70€
  • Tendinite 70€
  • View more View less



  • Bachelor in Motor Science with Osteopathy ULB+Master in Motor Science with Osteopathy ULB+Master of specialization in Osteopathy ULB+Training in cupping therapy. 2019+Training in dry needling 2021
  • Master en Sciences de la Motricité à finalité Ostéopathie ULB
  • Master de spécialisation en ostéopathie ULB
  • Formation en cupping thérapie. 2019
  • David G Simons academy,, Dry needling (2021)
  • ,, Cupping Thérapy (2020)

Professional experience

  • Follow-up of high level sportsmen (professional boxer, pro footballers, mma fighter, professional rugby) 2018 - ..+ Belgian rugby XV team 2018- 2020+Obtainment of the Thomas Ouertani Prize 2020+.
  • Équipe de Belgique de rugby à XV 2018- 2020
  • Obtention du Prix Thomas Ouertani 2020
  • Fondateur & Ostéopathe D.O, Medcare Beersel (2022)
  • Ostéopathe , Paramed (2020 - 2023)
  • Ostéopathe D.O, Rhode-Saint-Genèse (2020)
  • Ostéopathe D.O, MedCare Dilbeek (2023 - Présent)

Organisations member

  • UPOB (Professional Union of Osteopaths of Belgium)

Participation in conferences

  • UPMO congress 2016+Conference "Herniated Discs Managed by 3 Disciplines" 2017+Osteopathy and Sports 2018+Conference on the Management of Pregnant Women 2019+
  • Conférence "Hernie discale prise en charge par 3 disciplines" (2017)
  • La prise en charge du sportif en ostéopathie, Cercle d’Ostéopathie de l’ULB (2018)
  • Conférence sur la Prise en charge des femmes enceintes (2019)
  • 1er Congrès International Universitaire d’ostéopathie: Le rachis cervical, de la recherche fondamentale à la pratique quotidienne. , UPOB (2014)
  • 2ème Congrès International Universitaire d'ostéopathie : Tissus mous, de la recherche à la pratique. (2016), UPOB (2016)
  • 3ème Congrès International Universitaire d'ostéopathie : Osteopathy State of the Art. (2019), UPOB (2019)

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Dutch

Academic Research and Publications

  • -Retrospective study investigating cardiorespiratory adaptations to aerobic exercise in obese individuals before and after bariatric surgery. 2019+-Influence of erythropoietic factors in the loss of aerobic fitness in women after bariatric surgery. 2020
  • -Influence des facteurs erythropoëtiques dans la perte d’aptitude aérobie chez les femmes après chirurgie bariatrique. 2020


What is the address of the health professional Julien Fontaine?

133 GROTE BAAN in Beersel is the address of the practitioner Julien Fontaine.

Is the Julien Fontaine practitioner accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Julien Fontaine accept?
What languages does the Julien Fontaine health professional speak?
Is the Julien Fontaine health professional a member of any associations?
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