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    • Rue du Hableau 58,, Rochefort, Region of Namur
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Osteopathy is the global and systemic approach of the human body in order to detect the origins of the dysfunctions often responsible for pain and obtain relief through my non-aggressive techniques at the parietal, visceral or cranial level.
Orthokinesis, is the control and examinations of the posture, stability and balance of the human body in static and in movement. Indeed, any dysfunction leads to balance disorders, pain and muscular and articular constraints. Orthokinesis is aimed at people in pain as well as athletes (to improve performance and avoid injuries). How does it work? By carrying out a battery of tests and precise examinations thanks to a highly sophisticated 3D software.
The solution: installation of active insoles made of carbon material, very fine and resistant, from the company Kinépod. Intelligent soles which, by restoring the mobility of the arch of the foot, correct the deformations of the feet, stimulate the proprioceptive sensors, re-educate the postures, relieve the tensions and the pains and allow (like new shock absorbers) to protect the articulations and the muscles from all the constraints imposed at the time of the various solicitations (in particular sporting) and thus to improve the performances.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


  • Visceral osteopathy
  • Posturology
  • General osteopathy

Access Information

    • Rue du Hableau 58,, Rochefort, Region of Namur
  • Parking

    • Easy parking

Payment Methods

    • Cash
    • Payconiq


  • Consultation en orthokinésie (posturologie) 80€
  • Migraines - Céphalées 60€
  • Neck Pain 60€
  • Problèmes de dos (lombalgie, dorsalgies, cervicalgies) 60€
  • Sports Injury From 60€
  • Stress Management 60€



  • Physiotherapist since 1981 (Haute Ecole Robert+Schuman, Libramont)+Osteopath since 2001 (Belgian School of Osteopathy)+Orthokinesist since 2009 (By Christophe Otte, Clinique+OPS)+Visceral osteopathy specialization (By Jean-Pierre+Marguaritte, Paris, 2017)

Spoken languages

  • French


What is the address of the health professional Benoît Gérard?

Rue du Hableau 58, in Rochefort is the address of the practitioner Benoît Gérard.

Is the Benoît Gérard health professional accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Benoît Gérard accept?
What languages does the Benoît Gérard practitioner speak?
Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a medical symptom until the moment it is resolved by enabling them to find a specialist, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The current profile information is collected by the doctoranytime team and then reviewed and approved by Benoit Gerard and updated regularly.
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Our objective is : to allow you to understand what the data you are giving us is used for ,how we protect them and to inform you about your rights and how them to exercise.

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  • doctoranytime does not sell nor reveals in any way the personal data which it collects about the user in third parties
  • doctoranytime does not sell nor reveals in any way the personal data which it collects about the user in third parties
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