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Claire Corbin Psychologist | doctoranytime Claire Corbin Psychologist | doctoranytime
License number: 662223793
    • Rue au Bois 142, Rue au Bois 142, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Flemish Brabant
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I am a psychologist trained in neuroscience research and a yoga teacher, with an initial degree in political science. I am sensitive to the psycho-social aspects of pathologies (marital and parental problems, eating disorders, stress, etc.) and I am convinced by psycho-corporal approaches. I identify with Positive Psychology and practice brief therapies, including conversational hypnosis. I like to work with the patient in a relationship of perfect equality, an active collaboration that allows us to find together a path towards well-being.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

Access Information

    • Rue au Bois 142, Rue au Bois 142, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Flemish Brabant
  • Parking

    • Easy parking


  • Anger Management
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Emotional disorders
  • Stress



  • ULB - Master in Psychological and Educational Sciences (2019)+The subject of my dissertation: "Chronic pain and attentional functions" +Research on: low back pain, interoception, motivation to physical activity, neurological contributions of meditative practices, parenthood and its psycho-social stakes, neuro-psychological development of the child, sleep disorders

Organisations member

  • Positive Psychology (FR)+IKYTA (Kundalini Yoga) (International)+ABEPY (Yoga teachers) (BE)+Der Internationale Fachverband Klang-Massage-Therapie (DE)

Spoken languages

  • French


What is the address of the health professional Claire Corbin?

The address of the health professional Claire Corbin is localized at Rue au Bois 142 in Rhode-Saint-Genèse.

Is the Claire Corbin practitioner accepting new patients?
What languages does the Claire Corbin practitioner speak?
Is the Claire Corbin practitioner a member of any associations?
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