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Lisa Hitter Psychologist | doctoranytime Lisa Hitter Psychologist | doctoranytime
License number: 972240153
    • Epicentre, Rue du fort 85B, Saint-Gilles, Region Brussels
Not available for online booking
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Convinced that everyone is unique, I welcome and listen to everyone in their uniqueness in order to support them on the path to their personal well-being. Whatever the needs, we can try together to explore and understand in complete confidentiality and kindness the issues that run through your story. If my approach is inspired by different currents (systemic, psychotrauma clinic, exile clinic and interculturality, etc.), I believe above all in the bond of trust as the main therapeutic tool. This is why the establishment of an inclusive (LGBTQIA+ safe) and secure space for everyone represents for me the first priority of our meeting. The rest, I suggest we write it together. I can receive you in French, English and Spanish.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

Access Information

    • Epicentre, Rue du fort 85B, Saint-Gilles, Region Brussels
  • Parking

    • No parking available


  • 1ère consultation 60€



  • Master, ULB, Psychologie Clinique et Psychopathologie
  • Certificat interuniversitaire, ULB, Victimologie et Psychotraumatologie
  • Fédération Laïque de Centres de Planning Familial, Formation au processus de la violence conjugale (PDC) (2023)
  • Association du Droit Des Etrangers, Formations aux droits des Etranger.e.s (2023)

Professional experience

  • Accompagnatrice sociale, Bureau d'Accueil pour Primo-Arrivant.e.s (BAPA), Bruxelles (2022)
  • Stagiaire psychologue - adolescent.e.s et jeunes adultes, Bru-Stars, Bruxelles (2020)
  • Stagiaire psychologue avec adolescents hospitalisés pour troubles de comportement, Centre Hospitalier Jean Titeca (CHJT), Bruxelles (2020)
  • Accueillante, Woman'DO (planning familial pour femmes victimes de violences), Bruxelles (2022)
  • Ecoutante téléphonique, Centre d'écoute téléphonique, Bruxelles (2022)

Organisations member

  • O'YES asbl, Volontaire

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish

Academic Research and Publications

  • Apports de la pleine conscience sur l’impulsivité chez des adolescents présentant des troubles du comportement par le biais de la régulation émotionnelle : une étude de faisabilité.
  • , Université Libre de Bruxelles (2022)


What is the address of the practitioner Lisa Hitter?

The practitioner Lisa Hitter is situated at Rue du fort 85B in Saint-Gilles.

Is the Lisa Hitter practitioner accepting new patients?
What languages does the Lisa Hitter practitioner speak?
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