I'm a clinical psychologist (VUB) specializing in the treatment of insomnia (VUB & ULB), and more specifically through cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI).
If you're wondering about the quality of your sleep, and don't know what to do about it, I can probably help. Many people are confronted with insomnia, but few know that there is a therapeutic approach specifically designed to get rid of it, regain quality sleep and thus considerably improve physical and mental health, as well as quality of life. This program (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia or CBTI) is non-medicinal and effective over the long term.
The program focuses on the following aspects:
-Psycho-education and somno-education: understanding how sleep and insomnia work.
-Behavior: identifying and deconstructing the behaviors and habits that keep you awake.
-Cognitions: identifying and deconstructing unrealistic expectations, dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes.
-Mental and physical hyperactivation: learn some tools to help you release tension and relax.
TCCI is a short-term treatment (6 to 8 sessions), which I offer in an individual format, and which takes place every 2 weeks during a 45-minute session (in videoconference or face-to- face). It will be tailored to your needs and expectations, leaving room for your personal affinities and motivations.
As I am registered with the Commission of psychologists and hold a clinical psychologist visa, you may be eligible for partial reimbursement depending on your health insurance.