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    • Rue Lalou 54, Rue Lalou 54, Villers-La-Ville, Walloon Brabant
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Therapist of brief therapies, in traumatic situations in particular "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" and very active in life coaching.
Became an expert recognized both by my peers and the media (often invited) specializing in Victimology EMDR-SBA Seasoned practitioner having resolved numerous cases since 2020
I practice within my office in a few sessions (3 to 5) to quickly eliminate the effects caused via various methods of reliving and situational testing.
Areas covered: especially everything that links you to psycho-corporeal trauma including perverse manipulation.
For the 10th year as a coach I have been helping you develop your potential, your personality and its improvement
Help me to help you that is my motto!

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

Access Information

    • Rue Lalou 54, Rue Lalou 54, Villers-La-Ville, Walloon Brabant
  • Parking

    • Easy parking

Payment Methods

    • Cash
    • Payconiq


  • Anger management 60€
  • Anxiety/ stress 70€
  • Burnout 70€
  • Couple therapy 80€
  • Depression 70€
  • EMDR From €70 up to €80
  • Emotional disorders 70€
  • General consultation 70€
  • Mourning From €70 up to €80
  • View more View less



  • 2012- 2020: - Certifications & Training on methods of managing post-traumatic cases in brief therapies (definitively treated in 5 sessions) SBA techniques - EMDR - CIAM (Mourning) - Early Imprints - the Inner Child - Resonance of the heart.. .. 2011: - Tr

Professional experience

  • Therapist of brief therapies, through Ericksonian Hypnosis, AT and NLP and coaching of motivation and potential 2012 - 2018 Life coaching both individually and in groups Conferences and condensed 3-day courses Individual coaching Trainer Freelance facilit

Participation in conferences

  • Mainly national radio invitations: 12 x guest in the show “La vie du bon Côté” hosted by Sylvie Honoré Use the rtbf search engine to find all my shows: Here are some of them on my site:

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Dutch

Academic Research and Publications

  • Related to the work of Doctor Professor Snape (Eastern Universities) & Allan Botkin World Expert on Mourning (Induced after death communication)


What is the address of the health professional Philippe Bétourné?

Rue Lalou 54 in Villers-La-Ville is the address of the health professional Philippe Bétourné.

Is the Philippe Bétourné practitioner accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Philippe Bétourné accept?
What languages does the Philippe Bétourné health professional speak?
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