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Christian Girardet

Psychotherapist in Erezée

    • Rue Général Borlon 28, Erezée, Province of Luxembourg
Not available for online booking
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You want to live an experience during your team building to strengthen the bonds of your team, define new objectives to be more efficient? You want to live a unique experience of Fire Walking in Belgium, France, Switzerland,...? Would you like to know more about the effects of Benevolence Coaching? Come and discover the Fire Walk, an original teambuilding for companies and sports teams. Since 2006, Christian Girardet has been working as a Fire Walk facilitator and trainer as well as a benevolence coach in Belgium, France, ... He holds a European Certificate of Psychotherapy (CEP) and has several other diplomas such as: 1. Gestalt Therapy and Therapeutic Postural Integration - IFCC of Strasbourg, 1st European school recognized by the EABP 2. Experimental Gestalt Theater - The School and Experimental Teaching, California. This training is organized by Paul Rebillot 3. Eye Movement Integration IMO - Training conducted by Danie Beaulieu, Ph.D. of Lac-Beauport (Canada).

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

Access Information

    • Rue Général Borlon 28, Erezée, Province of Luxembourg
  • Parking

    • Easy parking


  • Psychotherapy From €50 up to €60



  • IFCC de Strasbourg, Gestalt-Thérapie et intégration posturale thérapeutique

Professional experience

  • Psychothérapeute, Erezée

Organisations member

  • Belgian Society of Gestralt (SBG) + Belgian Association of Psychotherapy (ABP) + European Association of Psycho-Body Therapists (AETPR) + French Federation of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (FF2P)
  • Association belge de Psychothérapie (ABP)
  • Association européenne des Thérapeutes Psycho-corporels (AETPR)
  • Fédération française de Psychothérapie et de Psychanalyse (FF2P).

Participation in conferences

  • La Marche sur le Feu, Teambuilding

Academic Research and Publications

  • Mediator Trainer in Creative Communication and Social Practice Supervisor


What is the address of the health professional Christian Girardet?

Rue Général Borlon 28 in Erezée is the address of the health professional Christian Girardet.

Is the Christian Girardet health professional accepting new patients?
Is the Christian Girardet practitioner a member of any associations?
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