Professor M.S Soyfoo (M.D, Ph.D) obtained his medical degree at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in 2003 with a Great Distinction. He then continued his training in internal medicine and rheumatology at ULB and obtained his diploma of specialized studies in rheumatology in 2009 with La Plus Grande Distinction with congratulations of the jury. He also presented a thesis "Contribution to the physiopathology of Sjögren's syndrome" and obtained a PhD in Medical Sciences in 2012. In 2014, he was awarded a certificate in Immunology by the American Society of Immunology FOCIS. Prof M.S Soyfoo is currently working as a Department Director and Professor in the Rheumatology Department of the Erasmus Hospital (U.L.B).HE is a Professor of Rheumatology and holder of the Rheumatology course at ULB. Professor Soyfoo is also the chairman of the complementary Master in Rheumatology at ULB.