I am 46 years old and I am a systemic psychologist/psychotherapist. I work mainly with couples and families, but also with individuals. The people who have consulted me say that I am a gentle, calm person and that I am very invested in the interviews. They also say that I am atypical compared to the psychologist colleagues they have known, and that this characteristic is experienced in a very positive way for them. When I presented my family and personal history in my second year of postgraduate training in systemic psychology, one of the things that Ms. E. Goldbeter said to me was, "You sound like you're telling the story of a 70-year-old man, when you're only 36. You have done a lot of things in life...". Indeed, I am 46 years old and I am now a psychologist, a psychotherapist, since two years a lecturer at the University of Liege as an expert in psychology, a photographer and a musician, who puts together his different life experiences to try to make them useful in psychological meetings. I often use metaphor, humor, but also music, photography, and many other things in order to make the suffering situation presented to me as simple, clear, explicit and intelligible as possible for everyone. This collective understanding is often linked to the beginning of the resolution of the problem(s). When couples, families or individuals come to my office, I always explain to them certain points to which I pay particular attention: communication, emotions, family history, the feeling of justice and injustice experienced between people. Focusing on these different points is often a key to solving the problem...