Connect with a healthcare practitioner right away!

Start solving your healthcare issue in less than 5 minutes
Get highly qualified medical advice anywhere
Immediate medical consultations at standard rates

Instant videocall is available everyday from 8am to 11pm (weekends and holidays included).

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of verified health practitioners from doctoranytime network
of cases are solved with a short video consultation
Google rating (8k reviews)
google rating

How it works?

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Choose your ideal specialty
Select the type of specialist you would like to see and tell us about your symptoms.
Log in and guarantee your spot
Log in and make a secure payment to confirm your instant video consultation.
Join our virtual waiting room
Wait for less than 5 minutes: the first available practitioner will accept your request.
Start your instant consultation
Simply connect with the practitioner: instantly from your computer or via our app on your mobile device.

How we can help you?

Experiencing sudden symptoms?
Get immediate medical advice for unexpected health issues.
Feeling overwhelmed or stressed?
Connect with a mental health professional quickly to receive support.
Need help understanding your test results?
Consult with our practitioners to analyze your medical exams.
Your regular doctor is unavailable?
Speak with a doctor immediately when yours isn't available.
Looking for answers outside working time?
Get medical advice on weekends and holidays when traditional clinics are closed.
Seeking a second opinion?
Discuss your diagnosis and treatment plan with another healthcare professional.
Too busy for an in-person visit?
Access healthcare conveniently from your home or office.
Worried about your child's health?
Speak with a specialist to address your concerns about your child's health.
Traveling and need medical advice?
Get advice on travel-related health issues such as vaccinations or medications.
Managing chronic conditions?
Get immediate support for flare-ups or concerns related to chronic conditions.
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Connecting patients and doctors since 2012
Certified and verified practitioners in our network
+1 M
Patients already booked with us

What our patients say


Specialties available now

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
What is instant video consultation?
Who can use this service?
How quickly can I connect with a doctor?
What types of issues can I consult for?
Can I choose a specific doctor?
Can I get a prescription during the video call?
When is the service available?
What devices can I use for the consultation?
Is my information secure?
How much does a consultation cost?
Can I use this service for my child’s health concerns?
What if I need follow-up care?