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Anna-Maria Sakellariou (Psycholoog) | doctoranytime Anna-Maria Sakellariou (Psycholoog) | doctoranytime
Erkenningsnummer: 25.01.2022/29250

Anna-Maria Sakellariou

BSc, MSc

Psycholoog in City Outside Belgium

    • Therapy Sofa, Maastricht, Netherlands, Prefecture Outside Belgium
    • Videoconsultatie, , Paris, France, Prefecture Outside Belgium
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Sakellariou Anna - Maria MSc is a Psychologist, graduate of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has a Master's degree in Neuropsychology from Maastricht University. In addition, she has been trained in Schema Therapy Training at Van Genderen Opleidingen B.V. and in Systemic Psychotherapy and Counselling at the Human Relationship Research Laboratory. She has also attended a Clinical Psychopathology Program from KEDIBIM and E-Learning programs from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has completed her internship at the Research University Institute of Mental Health (EPIPSY), while she is currently working as a self-employed Psychologist at Therapy Sofa and as a Psychologist - Member of the Outreach Team and Digital Content Creator at the PsychoCommunication Support Line 10306. Finally, it is worth mentioning that she was a volunteer in public awareness activities at Greenpeace Greece, and to this day she still provides volunteer psychic support at @ease.
She provides online sessions or in person sessions upon request.

De beschrijving werd aangepast door het Doctoranytime team, gebaseerd op geverifieerde informatie.


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  • Agressiebeheersing 60€
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  • Angsten en ongerustheid 60€
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  • Familieproblemen 60€
  • Gedrags- en emotionele stoornissen 60€
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  • Koppeltherapie 90€
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  • Relationele moeilijkheden 60€
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  • Bachelor's Degree, NKUA - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Psychology (2016 - 2020)
  • Master's degree, Maastricht University, Neuropsychology (2021 - 2022)
  • Training, Van Genderen Opleidingen B.V., Schema Therapy (2023)
  • Psychotherapy , Laboratory for Study of Human Relations, Systemic Psychotherapy (2020 - Present)

Professionele ervaring

  • Shift Psychologist for Crisis Intervention, National Helpline for Psychosocial Support 10306, Greece (2020 - Present)
  • Self-Employed Psychologist, Therapy Sofa, Netherlands (2022 - Present)
  • Volunteer Youth Counsellor, @ease, Netherlands (2023 - Present)
  • Intern Psychologist, UMHRI - University Mental Health Research Institute, Greece (2019 - 2020)


  • ΝΙΡ - Nederlandse Instituut voor Psychologen, Member (2023 - Present)

Deelnames aan conferenties

  • Review in Psychiatry 2022: Conspiracy theories and health behaviors, International Society of Neurobiology & Psychopharmacology, 3rd Department of Psychiatry, Scoolf of Medicine AUTH (2022)
  • 9th International Conference of Community Psychology, ICCP - Naples (2022)
  • Womentors: Empowerment of Young Women, Lambrakis Foundation (2021)
  • 4th Panhellenic Conference for Psychiatry (2018)
  • 7th Panhellenic Conference for Counseling Psychology (2018)
  • 6th Panhellenic Conference for Developmental Psychology (2018)
  • 2nd Panhellenic Conference for Educational Psychology (2017)


  • Engels
  • Grieks


Wat is het adres van de gezondheidsdeskundige Anna-Maria Sakellariou?

De praktijk van zorgverlener Anna-Maria Sakellariou is gelegen in Therapy Sofa in Maastricht, Netherlands.

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Welke talen spreekt gezondheidsdeskundige Anna-Maria Sakellariou?
Doctoranytime is een totaaloplossing die de patiënt bijstaat vanaf de eerste symptomen tot aan het herstel door hem de mogelijkheid te bieden de beste zorgverlener te vinden, advies te vragen via chat en met hem te praten via Videoconsultatie.
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