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« Sexuality is perfectly natural, but not naturally perfect » – François de Carufel, Canadian sexologist Sex therapy is designed for anyone facing challenges or seeking guidance related to their sexual health. This encompasses individuals and couples dealing with sexual dysfunctions, intimacy issues, those who wish to explore their sexual desires safely, or those aiming to enhance their sexual relationships. I work to create a safe, non-judgmental, culturally sensitive environment where people feel comfortable asking uncomfortable questions and getting answers. I address all aspects of sexuality, including sexual development and behavior, attraction dynamics, and romantic relationships. I firmly believe that everyone should live their sexuality freely. Part of my work involves aging sexuality and working with people from different cultures. I respect the diverse backgrounds and beliefs of my clients, always considering the cultural context. I accompany expatriates, couples, and single people who want to overcome sexual concerns, improve their sex life, or resolve relationship difficulties. I empower adults to understand their sexuality and challenge impractical messages about sexuality to which they are exposed. My therapeutic approach integrates techniques from sexofunctional therapy, systemic and cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and Imago therapy. Sessions are tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals or couples, respecting their personal pace. I view therapy as a collaborative process; the first step is identifying what brings you to therapy, followed by discussing the most effective therapeutic tools for your needs. To comprehensively address the medical aspects of sexual health, I often recommend consultations with general practitioners or other healthcare providers, including gynecologists, urologists, endocrinologists, and physiotherapists. Common issues I address include sex education, communication, pleasure, intimacy after birth, and desire challenges such as low or high libido, arousal difficulties, pain during or after penetration (dyspareunia), involuntary vaginal muscle spasms (vaginismus), challenges in obtaining or maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction), anorgasmia, premature ejaculation, and delayed ejaculation, addiction. I only see you by appointment in my practice in 1000 Brussels (Square Ambiorix) or in Hoeilaart (InTeam). I work in French, English and Romanian. If you can’t make it into the office, online sessions are available too.

  • Erkenningsnummer: 0
De beschrijving werd aangepast door het Doctoranytime team, gebaseerd op geverifieerde informatie.

Specialisatie en ervaring

Gerelateerde ervaring

  • Dyspareunie (pijn)
  • Seksuele voorlichting
  • Relatietherapie
  • Menselijke relaties
  • Mannelijke en vrouwelijke seksuele stoornis
  • Seksuologie
  • Verlangensstoornis
6 Aanbeveling van de patiënten


De prijzen zijn indicatief. De zorgverlener kan de prijzen aanpassen in functie van de pathologie.

Beoordelingen van patiënten

O.b.v. 6 evaluaties
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  • Family Sciences and Sexuality, UCLouvain, Master’s degree
  • ULiège, PhD ongoing
  • private training, Training Functional sex therapy (Sexofonctionnelle) - Brussels
  • UCLouvain, Certificate in Clinical sexology
  • University of Aarhus, Neuroimagery training – Aarhus, Denmark
  • SSMG, Alcholology training – Brussels

Professionele ervaring

  • Belgian national research study on sexual violence commissioned by the federal government, ULiège, Belgium (2017 - 2021)
  • Trainer, SAC/CPVS –IEFH, Belgium (2021)
  • Trainer, Trainer SAC/CPVS - Police, Belgium (2021 - 2022)
  • Sexuality educator, Aimer à l’ULB , Belgium (2021 - Présent)
  • Sexologist, CHU Dinant, Belgium (2021 - Présent)
  • Sexologist, private practice, Belgium (2021 - Présent)
  • Sexologist, InTeam Hoeilaart, Belgium (2024 - Présent)
  • Trainer Certificate ‘Interpersonal Violence Dynamics’, ULB, Belgium (2024)


  • Member of SSUB - Belgian Society of University Sexologists


  • Engels
  • Frans
  • Roemeens


  • Nobels, A., Cismaru-Inescu, A., Nisen, L. et al. Sexual violence in older adults: a Belgian prevalence study. BMC Geriatr 21, 601 (2021).
  • Adina Cismaru-Inescu, Stéphane Adam, Anne Nobels, Philippe Kempeneers, Marie Beaulieu, Christophe Vandeviver, Ines Keygnaert & Laurent Nisen (2022) The Elephant in the Room – A Critical Interpretive Synthesis of Older Adults’ Sexuality, International Journal of Sexual Health, 34:1, 90-104, DOI: 10.1080/19317611.2021.1958040
  • Cismaru-Inescu A, Hahaut B, Adam S, Nobels A, Beaulieu M, Vandeviver C, Keygnaert I, Nisen L. Sexual Activity and Physical Tenderness in Older Adults: Prevalence and Associated Characteristics From a Belgian Study. J Sex Med. 2022 Apr;19(4):569-580. doi: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2022.01.516. Epub 2022 Feb 27. PMID: 35236640.
  • Article libre propos : Cismaru-Inescu A, Hahaut B, berg N, Adam S, Beaulieu M, Nisen L., L’occultation de la violence sexuelle envers les personnes âgées. Une manifestation d’âgisme ? DOI : 10.3917/gs1.170.0091 Gérontologie et société, n° 170, vol. 45, 2023
  • Kink shaming: comment ne pas avoir honte d'exprimer ses désirs sexuels
  •, Moustique (2024)


  • Wat is het adres van gezondheidsdeskundige Adina Inescu?

    Het adres van zorgverlener Adina Inescu is Square Ambiorix 7 in Brussel.

Doctoranytime is een totaaloplossing die de patiënt bijstaat vanaf de eerste symptomen tot aan het herstel door hem de mogelijkheid te bieden de beste zorgverlener te vinden, advies te vragen via chat en met hem te praten via Videoconsultatie. De informatie in dit profiel werd verzameld uit betrouwbare bronnen, zoals de persoonlijke pagina van Adina Inescu en is geverifieerd door het Doctoranytime
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