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My name is Zoi and I am a systemic therapist trained in the Integrative Model of Systemic Therapy. I offer therapy to English-speaking and Greek-speaking individuals, couples, families and groups in person and online. I have been living in Brussels since 2008 and I have been offering my services since 2018. I am a certified systemic counsellor and an official member of the European Association for Counselling and the Hellenic Association of Counselling. I work and I live in a holistic way, that is, I combine academic achievements (University degrees), lifelong learning (seminars, trainings, congresses, conferences) and mindfulness to enrich my practice and be shaped as a person and as a therapist. The Integrative Model of Systemic Therapy makes room for a holistic approach in practising therapy. As humans, we are multidimensional and have multifaceted personalities and talents. Therefore, there is no “one-size-fits-all” in therapy. To this end, my training in therapy has equipped me with a wide range of tools, techniques, theories and interventions which I tailor to your very personal needs and requests. I am skilled at listening and concentrating on your own agenda, potential and strengths. We collaboratively decide on what suits you best and we accordingly plan the next steps for our sessions. I embrace diversity and my practice is informed about and friendly to groups of people vulnerable to exclusion (e.g. LGBTQI+, disability, migrants…). The holistic approach that I practice sheds light into people’s unique personalities, stories and life situations. Therapy offers new insights on how to know ourselves better and relate with others so that relationships become a source of joy, inspiration and fulfilment. I have always been curious about and interested in human nature and relationships. I am fascinated with the way people perceive the world around them, interact, and relate with one another. Before I landed to psychology and psychotherapy, I embarked on an educational journey which consisted of studies in international and European affairs, translation, language sciences, theatre, and improvisation comedy. I travelled around the world, I learnt seven languages, and I took courses in mindfulness, meditation and energetic healing. I am a motivational public speaker and a writer.

De beschrijving werd aangepast door het Doctoranytime team, gebaseerd op geverifieerde informatie.

Specialisatie en ervaring

Gerelateerde ervaring

  • Rouwen
  • Gezinstherapie
  • Multireferentiele therapie
  • Ouderschap
  • Interculturele psychologie
  • Communicatieproblemen
  • Beheer van stress


De prijzen zijn indicatief. De zorgverlener kan de prijzen aanpassen in functie van de pathologie.


    • Adres
      Zoi Mylona Therapist, Rue Victor Hugo 72, Schaerbeek
    • Parking
      • Gemakkelijk parkeren
Niet mogelijk om de praktijk op de kaart te vinden.


  • Betalingsmethoden

    • Contant
    • Payconiq


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    • Annulatie

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  • License, Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations, Systemic therapy - Integrative model for systemic therapy (2015 - 2019)
  • License, Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations, Systemic counselling - Integrative model of systemic counselling (2015 - 2018)
  • Bachelor, The Open University, Psychology Honours (2018 - Présent)
  • License, ICEEFT - International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy, Externship in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (2021)
  • Certificate, Ministry of Health - University Hospital of Arcadia, Training for Mental Health Professionals (2008)
  • Master, U-Mons, Language sciences, Specialisation in Translation (2008 - 2010)
  • Bachelor, Panteion University, International & European affairs (2002 - 2007)

Professionele ervaring

  • Systemic therapist, Freelancer, Belgium (2023 - Présent)
  • Systemic therapist, Freelancer, Greece (2019 - 2022)
  • Systemic counsellor, Freelancer, Greece (2018 - 2022)
  • Mental health professional, Mental Health Day Centre AMALTHEIA , Greece (2008)


  • Hellenic Association of Counselling - Ελληνική Εταιρία Συμβουλευτικής, Official Member (2018 - Présent)
  • European Association for Counselling, Official Member (2018 - Présent)

Deelnames aan conferenties

  • Going deeper with the pursuer, EFT Maine (2024)
  • Attachment, neurosciences & psychotherapy, Logo Psychis (2023)
  • The use of projective cards in therapy & coaching, AntiLoneliness (2023)
  • Trauma and Self-Harm -- Increase Safety with a New Approach to Cutting, Bingeing, and Addictive Behaviors, PESI (2023)
  • From conflict to connection through safe attachment, AntiLoneliness (2022)
  • Developing a tool to assess the need for psychological first aid to adolescent school pupils, Médécins du Monde (2022)
  • Struggling for connection: Emotionally Focused Therapy & violence in couple's relationship, EFT Greek Network (2021)
  • Raising awareness on LGBTQI+ issues in counselling & therapy, ORLANDO LGBT+ (2021)
  • Training course on International Solidarity for Peace, PeaceWorks (2021)
  • Inclusion & Diversity, SALTO (2021)
  • Visible and Invisible: Bordering Change in Systemic Family Therapy, EFTA - European Family Therapy Association (2019)
  • Danse et thérapie - Rencontres Chorégraphiques d'Abidjan, Danse l'Afrique (2019)
  • Narrative response to trauma in conditions of uncertainty, University of Athens (2018)
  • Origins & Originality in family therapy & systemic practice, EFTA - European Family Therapy Association (2016)
  • Mindfulness, Brussels Mindfulness Institute (2015)


  • Engels
  • Grieks


  • Garyfallaki, A. & Mylona, Z. (2023) ‘Η σχέση των αδερφών μέσα από αρχαιοελληνικούς μύθους και τραγωδίες’ (The siblings relationship as seen in Ancient Greek mythology and tragedies) in Ch. Katakis & P. Spanou (eds) Τα αδέρφια μας (Our siblings), Athens: Patakis Publications. (co-author, in writing), Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations (2023)
  • Mylona, Z. & Tsarbopoulou, M. (2023) ‘Η μελέτη της ελληνικής οικογένειας: μια διαχρονική ματιά’ (The study of Greek family: a diachronic outlook) in Ch. Katakis (ed) Οι τρεις ταυτότητες της ελληνικής οικογένειας - Σαράντα χρόνια μετά (The three identities of the Greek family - Forty years later), Athens: Patakis Publications. (co-author, in printing), Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations (2023)
  • Gerantoni, K. & Mylona, Z. (2019) ‘Change of hat - from training to clinical practice’ [Lecture]. W_011: Workshop. Palazzo Pacanowski. 12 September. (co-author, rapporteur), Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations (2019)
  • Katakis, Ch., Garyfallaki, A., Gerantoni, K., Mylona, Z. and Tsarbopoulou, M.A. (2019) ‘The use of self in clinical supervision: An integrative approach’ [Lecture]. W_001: Workshop. Palazzo Pacanowski. 12 September. (co-author, rapporteur), Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations (2019)
  • Katakis, Ch. & Ziouvas, Ch. (2019) Άνδρας - Η σιωπηρή επανάσταση (Man - The silent revolution). Athens: Patakis Publications. ISBN: 978-960-16-8361-4 (Collaborator), Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations (2019)
  • Mylona, Z. (2019) ‘Les traits thérapeutiques de la danse traditionnelle africaine et le paradigme grec’ (The therapeutic features of traditional African dancing and the Greek paradigm) [Lecture]. Rencontres Chorégraphiques d’Abidjan Conference. Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny. 24 April., Freelancer for Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (2019)


  • Wat is het adres van zorgverlener Zoi Mylona?

    De praktijk van gezondheidsdeskundige Zoi Mylona is gelegen in Rue Victor Hugo 72 in Schaerbeek.

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