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  • Algemene onderwerpen
  • Op 15/01/2024 ingediend

Severe tooth pain for 2 days, Dafalgan 1g not working, need stronger medication?

Hello, I have severe tooth pain for 2 days now and dafalgan 1g isn’t working to the point that I cannot eat and sleep properly. Would I need a prescription for stronger medication/painkiller?

14 zorgverleners hebben geantwoord

  • Hello, yes but the dentist needs to perform an exam before writing the prescription.

    Wahab Khater



  • No. You have to come to the dentist to see if the nerve is touch and to stop the pain.

    Chetou-Henriette Munyutu-Ngamliya



  • Hi,

    Unfortunately tooth pain almost never goes away by simply taking a medication. Unlike a bruise on your leg or a cut on a finger, a tooth pain is caused by an issue that has to be eliminated by a health professional. Medication only temporarily solves the issue.
    To be sure that the pain goes away and the problem doesn't amplify, take an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible so that they can identify the source of the problem and solve it.
    Meanwhile, you can always try a combination of Dafalgan 1g and Ibuprofen 400mg, alternating between the two every 4-6 hours. Don't go over 3 times a day for each!

    Djavad Souleimanov



  • Hello,
    There is some dental pains for which painkillers don’t work, you need to consult urgently if you can so that a dentist can diagnose the cause of the pain and give you the right treatment.

    Meriem Aid



  • Hello! You need to make an appointment to a dentist. A medication can’t help you for the moment.

    Ovidiu-Andrei Piscoi

    Ovidiu-Andrei Piscoi



  • Hello, I'm sorry to hear about your severe tooth pain. In situations like this, it's crucial to seek urgent dental care to alleviate your discomfort. Only a dentist can assess the necessity for a prescription for stronger medication or painkillers. I strongly recommend scheduling an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible to address your pain and explore the appropriate treatment options.

    Wael Hsini



  • hello! the best thing is to come to a dental office,make a radiography and see what caused this paine! might need antibiotincs and then endodontic treatment!

    Constantin Corina



  • we Need to check the teeth with radio




  • Yes see à doctor

    Anne De Ryck



  • No you should go to a dental clinic

    Vincent Formato



  • If you have a tooth pain for more dans 2 days and it doesn’t get better with dafalgan, i suggest you take an appointement with your dentist.

    Jade Roumanos



  • Hello, you probably have an infection, so you need to see a dentist asap, because taking painkillers won't solve the problem (only the pain).

    Cristina Dumitrescu



  • Hello, you have to open the tooth properly and extract the nerve, that is the only way to be better.

    Amine Jmour



  • Hi . You just need to see the nearest dentist

    Yossi Matta



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