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  • Op 23/08/2023 ingediend

hello , i have a nerve sciatic pain , which specialist should i contact please ?

47 zorgverleners hebben geantwoord

  • The symptoms of sciatica occur when there is irritation along the path of the sciatic nerve.
    Herniated disc, sacroiliac, lumbar vertebra, piriformis, gluteal and hamstring muscles are potential causes of this sciatica with painful symptoms localizing in the lower back, buttock, knee and even the foot. Myofascial and joint work must be carried out depending on the location of compression of the sciatic nerve.

    Maxime Lambert



  • Orthopedist then maybe physio

    Salah Assbane



  • Hello, you can either see a physiotherapist or an osteopath or both to try to treat the problem as best as possible

    Julie Vandenberghe



  • Hello,
    for examination an orthopedist could ask for RMI or Scan, but you can have physical cares with a good osteopath or Physiotherapist.

    Michalon Gilles



  • Hello, you can consult a general practitioner who will probably refer you to physiotherapy or/and a specialist if this is necessary.

    Martin Godart



  • Hi,

    For this type of pain, you can contact a osteopath or a physiotherapist. They are both usefull to treat the pain. However, if the compression of the sciatic nerve come from the back (from a hernia for example), these specialists may not be enough. In this cas, an orthopedist could give you an infiltration. But befort that, you should try the non-invasive treatment.

    I hope this was helpfull,
    Have a nice day,
    Magali Panneels - Ostéopathe D.O.

    Magali Panneels



  • Orthopaedic one

    Silviu Peter Neagoe



  • Hi, osteopathy can be an helpful solution !

    Quentin Gil



  • Hello. Depending on the extension of symptoms, you have several options. If you do not suffer from severe motor dysfunction, osteopathy can be a good help to reduce pain and improve mobility. If the pain and symptoms handicaps your activities of daily living and you feel that you need to learn again how to move and realize those actions, physiotherapists can help you long term. If you have severe motor dysfunction (trouble to move your feet correctly, stool and urine retention disorder, trouble to walk properly...) you need to go to a neuro/orthopaedic spine specialist surgeon to discuss medical options. Don't hesitate to take advice from... Meer lezen

    Emmanuel Léon



  • Your GP will do a great job in first instance. Most cases resolve with time, physio and a conservative approach.

    Vincent Di Liberto



  • physiotherapist

    Henri Chalais



  • I would suggest to see a neurologist !

    Florin Baratta



  • Hello, I advise you to have a check-up with a health professional such as a doctor or osteopath. We'll be able to determine whether it's sciatica or another pain that mimics sciatica. If sciatica is confirmed (herniated disc), physiotherapy treatment is indicated, and osteopathic intervention is possible for acute pain.

    Have a nice day.

    Thomas Lemaire



  • Neurosurgeon or sport doctor (i know is strange but there really good for diagnosis)

    Benjamin Lallement



  • Hello, Orthopédiste or ostéopathe.

    Gilbert Vallier



  • Hello,
    That depends of you, your pain and your symptoms. If you don't have a lost of strength and lost of sensibility for exemple, we may help you in osteopathy.
    But if we can not help you, then you can take an appointment with your generalist practitioner or an orthopedic or a neurosurgeon.

    Elodie Leroux



  • Hello,

    You have to go to your GP first, he will give you a prescription to go to the physio.
    Any physio is able to help with most of the sciatic pains.
    If needed, in the worst case, the physio will redirect you to a neurologist.
    I hope this helps.

    Ania De Laminne



  • Hello,
    You can take an appointment with a physiotherapist (you need a prescription from your general practitioner first). He / She will give you a treatment that should help you and if you need to see another doctor (a neurologist for exemple), he / she will be able to tell you.
    I hope that my answer helped you.

    Noémie Stubbe



  • If you have pins and needles reaching the foot, you have to see your GP. If the sciatic pain do no reach the foot, contact an osteopath.

    Ramdane Dehiles



  • Hello,
    A sciatic pain can have several origins, from a simple locked joint to an herniated disc. So it’s difficult to say what you have without seeing you. I can recommend you to visit an orthopaedic doctor ( dr Hardy, City Clinic, is great!) that can examine you and maybe prescribe you some further exam’s. If the doctor thinks I can help you, for sure he will send you back to me, and anyway will find the best solution for you. I hope this will help you. For further questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. Regards, Pascal

    Pascal Van Oost



  • Hello,
    You can consult a general practitioner or an orthopaedic surgeon, who will examine you and probably ask you to have an MRI or CT scan to confirm that's really your nerve sciatic. Then physiotherapy will help to reduce your symptoms.

    Kind regards.

    Ayoub Riffi Temsamani



  • You can go to your general practitioner, an orthopedic dr or a physiotherapist. In most cases of sciatic pain you would be referred to physiotherapy to work on strengthening the core and back muscles. If you have associated weakness and loss of sensation in the leg than there is a more serious concern and you should consult your general practitioner as soon as possible,

    John O’Reilly (Account desactiveren)



  • Hello, you can see you general practioner and then a physiotherapist. Best

    Claire Dufeil



  • Hello, First of all, your Doctor has to put a specific diagnoctic about the origine of the pain. Then you will be able to take an appointment with a physiotherapist or an Osteopath. Have a nice day.




  • You can go to an osteopath

    Jan Schmitt



  • Hello you can contact an osteopath first. It's also depends of how it happened.
    If it s a big accident like a car crash, than the advice of a doctor is important with diefferents exams like: a radio, and a neurologist consult.
    If you woke up with th epain, the osteopathe is important. Than maybe stretching that you can do to a physiotherapist in RPG for instance.

    Eloïse Deliège

    Kinésithérapeute Uro-gynéco


  • Hello, normaly you can go see your general doctor that will probably prescibe you some physiotherapy.

    Florine Schweisthal



  • Hello, you can consult your general practitioner or an orthopedic or neuro surgeon. Kind regards

    Raphaëlle Outrequin (Account desactiveren)



  • Hello. First of all, talk about it with your general practitioner. If it lasts, you can see an orthopedist.

    Adélie Priem



  • You should just go to your doctor and see what’s better for you :)

    Charlotte Dousset



  • A general practice

    Samuel Esole Yuna



  • Hello,
    This kind of pain can have several origins. I would advise seeing a manual therapist: physiotherapist or osteopath. They are able to make a clinical evaluation to find the origin and directly carry out a treatment. An orthopedic doctor could also be considered but with a longer waiting time.

    Gilles Michalon

    Ostéopathe et acupuncteur


  • If you're able to walk or to drive, see an osteopath. He will test your body to keep you in security and will give you advises about your pain. If you cannot move or the pain is awfull with lack of sensitivity areas or lose of strenght in your leg, go directly to emergency or call your doctor

    Nicolas Schuer



  • Hello, the first person you should consult is your GP. He or she will be able to refer you to the appropriate therapist or treat you with medication or another treatment.

    Nicolas Wiame



  • Hello! For sciatic nerve pain, you might want to consider consulting a specialist called an "Orthopedic Surgeon" or a "Neurologist." These specialists have expertise in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the musculoskeletal system and nervous system, respectively. They can help you determine the cause of your sciatic pain and recommend appropriate treatment options. Always consult a medical professional for personalized advice.

    Loic Bullock



  • Hi, we always recommend to see your family doctor first. Most of the time you don't need a specialist to manage it. If the pain remains after the specialist is an orthopedist.

    Victoria Cohidon

    Kinésithérapeute et microkinésithérapeute


  • You have to see a primary car doctor first, a specialist is needed in 5% of the case and the GP will tell if it's needed.

    Roman Loquette



  • Bonjour. Vous pouvez aller voir un kinésithérapeute spécialisé en thérapies manuelles (vous en trouverez sur le site de Mathera). Si vous n'arrivez plus à bouger les pieds, il faut aller aux urgences. Vous pouvez aussi consulté un médecin spécialisé en médecine physique ou un neurochirurgien.

    Aurélie Tran



  • You can see à orthopedist or neuro orthopedist

    Andreas Opitz



  • Hello,

    You can contact a physio !

    Thibault Mathieu



  • Hello, it all depends on the severity of your problem. But you can easily go through an osteopath first so that he can assess the problem or help you relieve it. Otherwise you can consult a physical doctor or sports doctor.

    Stéphane Wemaëre

    Osteopaat en sportfysiotherapeut


  • Hello
    You should contact an osteopath. Osteopathy is an excellent treatment for sciatica. An osteopath will take your health history into account, checking for any previous injuries or illnesses that may be contributing. They will then conduct a careful and thorough assessment of your joints and muscles to determine the cause and best course of treatment.

    Mwaye Essome



  • Neuro specialist or your GP

    Catherine Bayart



  • A good GP can makes your check up or you can go directly to a spine specialist in a hospital.

    Lorenzo Dragonetti D.O.



  • Hi, if you have lost a bit of your muscle strength or sensibility. Go see a neurologue.
    If not, go see a physio, it is just a pseudosciatalgie wich mean that it is mostly your muscle the cause of the issues.

    Joachim De Meur



  • Hello,

    You should see a neurologist (specialiste of the nerves).


    Christophe Maton



  • Hi, you can go to your generalist or an orthopedist, the most important is to begin your reeducation asap

    Nathan Avni



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