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Benjamin Vincent

Acupuncturist in Bertrix

    • Rue de la Feche,97, Bertrix, Province of Luxembourg
Not available for online booking
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Nurse since 2003, I deeply believe in the body's ability to use its own resources to facilitate healing, which led me to study mtc and to do various trainings on the theme of traditional Chinese healing, putting my skills at your service to accompany you at best.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

Access Information

    • Rue de la Feche,97, Bertrix, Province of Luxembourg
  • Parking

    • Easy parking

Payment Methods

    • Cash


  • General acupuncture From €25 up to €40



  • Graduated in nursing 2000-2003+Health executive 2005 - 2008+Transactional analysis 2010-2014+Acupuncturist ettc Namur 2017-2020+
  • Cadre de santé 2005 - 2008
  • Analyse transactionnelle 2010-2014
  • Acupuncteur ettc Namur 2017-2020

Professional experience

  • 2003-2008 cardiology nurse+2008-2012 neurology nurse+2012-2014 palliative care/oncogeriatry nurse+Since 2014 infectious diseases/STD nurse+Since 2020 acupuncturist+
  • 2008-2012 infirmier neurologie
  • 2012-2014 infirmer soins palliatifs/oncogeriatrie
  • Depuis 2014 infirmier maladies infectieuses / consultation MST
  • Depuis 2020 acupuncteur

Organisations member

  • Belgian Acupuncture Federation (BAF)

Participation in conferences

  • Pharmacopoeia buplerum+The great meridians+Harmonization of the 3 layers, emotional acupuncture (bu ming), the place of the human being in the health care system, health executive
  • Les grands méridiens
  • L'harmonisation des 3 couches, l'acupuncture émotionnelle (bu ming), la place de l'humain dans le système de soins, cadre de santé

Academic Research and Publications

  • TFE: acupuncture and transactional analysis+.


What is the address of the health professional Benjamin Vincent?

The address of the health professional Benjamin Vincent is Rue de la Feche,97 in Bertrix.

What payment methods does Benjamin Vincent accept?
Is the Benjamin Vincent practitioner a member of any associations?
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