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Esther Servais


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Numerous trainings in communication, coaching...have confirmed my attraction for personal and academic development. I offer school and life coaching and continue to train to broaden my range of interventions in the workplace. Well-being, reorientation, self-confidence: I am convinced that I can help you by focusing on your resources, your strengths and your potential... New energy trainings will be added to my coaching in order to help you recharge your batteries...

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


  • Life coach (storage and organization)
  • Health & wellness coach
  • Energy coaching
  • Personal development

Relative Experience

Coach accompagnatrice IkigaÏ Soins énergétiques E.F.T Les rituels de détachement Rééquilibrage énergétique

51 patients' recommendations


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

Patient Reviews

Verified reviews from real patients


From 51 reviews

Reviews by 51 patients
Cleanliness of the practice
Clear information on the pathology
Clear information on the side effects

Access and Appointments

  • Payment Methods


    Appointment Policy

    • Payment at the practice
      During your visit, you can select the payment method of your choice from the options mentioned above.
    • Cancellation
      You can always cancel up to 24 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.



  • HECE Gosselies+1999: kindergarten teacher: life coach, school coach: 2019+Chi Mitysaï practitioner and instructor (January 2021)+Reïki level 1 (October 2020)+Reïki level 2 (May 2021)+Reïki level 3 ( February 2022)Reïki Master+Animal Reïki ( February 2022)+EFT training+level 1 and 2 (April 2021)+Dowsing training (April 2021)+Rituals of detachments and symbolic acts (March 2022)
  • 1999: institutrice maternelle: Coach de vie, coach scolaire: 2019
  • Chi Mitysaï praticien et instructeur (janvier 2021)
  • Reïki niveau 1 (Octobre 2020)
  • Reïki niveau 2 (Mai 2021)
  • Reïki niveau 3 ( Février 2022)Maître Reïki
  • Gembloux, Reïki niveau 4 (février 2023)
  • ReÏki animalier ( Février 2022)
  • Formation EFT niveau 1 et 2 (Avril 2021)
  • Formation radiesthésie (Avril 2021)
  • Rituels de détachements et actes symboliques (Mars 2022)
  • Maitre Lahochi (octobre 2022)
  • Hemera, Coach accompagnatrice Ikigaï (Mars 2023)

Participation in conferences

  • Harassment+Training : Coaching motivation : Evoluo "Les Evoleviers "+How to boost motivation+Felicitated method+

Spoken languages

  • French

Academic research and publications

  • How to deal with death in kindergarten+Non-violent communication+Managing emotions+Bullying prevention+Positive psychology+Prevention


What is the address of the health professional Esther Servais?

Place Rabanère 1 in Gembloux is the address of the practitioner Esther Servais.

Is the Esther Servais practitioner accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Esther Servais accept?
What languages does the Esther Servais health professional speak?
Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Esther Servais and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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