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Valentine Verdin Dietitian: Book an online appointment Valentine Verdin Dietitian: Book an online appointment

Valentine Verdin


License number: 56241390601

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Verdin Valentine's dietician and member of the UPDLF with nearly 10 years experience. She specializes in obesity, overweight and associated complications of malnutrition and many digestive problems. As a professional health and diet, it can lead you to a more balanced diet, both for changing eating habits according to your wishes (vegetarianism, intolerance (s) - eg lactose) or your diseases (diabetes, overweight, etc.). It is part of CHIREC pole Cancer Institute (CCI) and the peritoneum Clinic as an expert. Content translated by google translate

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


  • Therapeutic

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    Appointment Policy

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      During your visit, you can select the payment method of your choice from the options mentioned above.
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      You can always cancel up to 24 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.



  • Certification, ULB, University certification in Human Nutrition from the ULB Faculty of Medicine (magna cum laude). (2021 - 2022)
  • IPL, Nutrition and dietetics
  • MONASH University, The Low Fodmap Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (2022 - 2023)
  • Arista, First aid (2014)

Professional experience

  • Editor in chief , UPDLF, Belgium (2016 - 2018)
  • Janvier 2015 – juillet 2015: Diététicien agréé à la RTL Belgium.
  • Dietician responsible for the management of undernutrition and food safety , C.P.A.S. de Schaerbeek
  • Course supervisor and promoter of final-year student dissertations. Member of the jury for final year dissertation defences., IPL
  • Freelance, CHIREC
  • Trainer for Saturdays in geriatrics, HLB
  • Various replacements , CHIREC, Valida
  • Television appearances on various nutritional topics, RTL-TVI, RTBF
  • Prizes won: Good practice in combating undernutrition in nursing homes, Roi Baudoin Foundation
  • Registered dietician, CTR Brugmann
  • Oratrice à la 20ème édition de la Journée d'Etude sur le thème de la santé digestive, U.P.D.L.F., Belgique (2024)
  • Formation sur l'alimentation équilibrée avant la pension , ONEM, Belgique (2024 - Présent)
  • Formation sur l'intestin, le deuxième cerveau, COCOF, Belgique (2024 - Présent)

Organisations member

  • Rédactrice en chef de la revue officielle de l'UPDLF

Participation in conferences

  • Participates in conferences on nutrition and dietetics on a regular basis. Currently following a University Certification at the Faculty of Medicine of the ULB in human nutrition.

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Italian

Answers to patient questions

  • Diabetes treatment

    Hello Sir/Madam, I want to control my blood sugar levels (Fasting Blood sugar level currently is 115 mg/dl, two hours after food it was 165 mg/dl). I am trying to conceive and I had 2 miscarriages last year. What should I do, should I see a dietician or endocrinologist ? Please guide me.

    • Hi, you should see a dietician (for the food part) and an endocrinologist (for the Medical part), both have differents interesting and complementary advices to give you

      Valentine Verdin

      Valentine Verdin

The content of the answers is strictly informative and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice

Academic research and publications

  • 2014: Les finger food en pleine expansion.
  • Writing of the nutrition section of ‘Alzheimer & related cognitive disorders’ - a practical guide to professional support in French-speaking Belgium
  • 2013: Le café: l'or noir des boissons.
  • 2012: Le wasabi: une racine forte en exotisme.
  • 2012: Le thé vert à la menthe: une tradition sociétale.
  • Les légumineuses: une famille alimentaire riche en atouts, Actu-Diéta (2013)
  • Le café: l'or noir des boissons, Actu-Diéta (2013)
  • Le wasabi: une racine forte en exotisme, Actu-diéta (2012)
  • Le thé vert à la menthe: une tradition sociétale, Actu-Diéta (2012)
  • Brochure à destination du grand public sur le thème de la santé intestinale
  • "Prends tes intestins en main, consulte un diététicien" en partenariat avec le GDGE (Groupement des Diététiciens en Gastro-Enterologie), U.P.D.L.F. (2024)


What is the address of the practitioner Valentine Verdin?

The address of the health professional Valentine Verdin is Avenue Hamoir 12 in Uccle.

Is the Valentine Verdin health professional accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Valentine Verdin accept?
What languages does the Valentine Verdin health professional speak?
Is the Valentine Verdin health professional a member of any associations?
Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Valentine Verdin and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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