Passionate about nutrition since I was very young, and convinced that many of our ailments come from a deficient modern diet, I chose to train in functional and micronutritional medicine after my general practitioner training. I therefore propose, in addition to my "standard" general medicine consultations, functional medicine consultations, which aim to evaluate the global health of my patient and to take care of him, among other things, by correcting micronutrient (vitamins, minerals and trace elements) and hormonal deficiencies. Indeed, when different symptoms could be treated by different symptomatic treatments, the functional medicine consultations will try to evaluate the cause of all these ills, to treat it alone, in the most natural way possible by filling the nutritional deficiencies, and consequently to make these resulting symptoms disappear. Micro-nutritional assessments are also interesting in preventing future diseases. I will conclude my presentation by quoting what Hippocrates said already 400 years before our era: "Let your food be your first medicine". e-mail: [email protected]