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Kentaro Tanaka Physiotherapist | doctoranytime Kentaro Tanaka Physiotherapist | doctoranytime
License number: 54475891
    • Square de Meeûs 21, Ixelles, Region Brussels
Not available for online booking
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Specialized Physical Therapist for the management of neuro-musculoskeletal conditions. The center is located in the heart of the EU quarter, between Brussels-Luxembourg train station & Trône metro station.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

Access Information

    • Square de Meeûs 21, Ixelles, Region Brussels
  • Parking

    • No parking available


  • Back Problem
  • General consultation
  • Lumbago
  • Rehabilitation
  • Sports injury



  • Master in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (UCLouvain)
  • MSc in Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy (UCLouvain)
  • Post-graduate certificate in Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy (UCLouvain)

Professional experience

  • Technical Advisor @UCLouvain Orthopedics and rheumatology - Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc PAM Tablada - Peru Emergency Care Unit - Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc (internship) Orthopedic Manipulative Therapy - Hôpitaux Iris Sud Etterbeek-Ixel
  • Orthopedics and rheumatology - Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc
  • PAM Tablada - Peru
  • Emergency Care Unit - Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc (internship)
  • Orthopedic Manipulative Therapy - Hôpitaux Iris Sud Etterbeek-Ixelles (internship)

Organisations member

  • AXXON, Physical Therapy in Belgium
  • MATHERA - Manual Therapy Association Belgium
  • Belgian Back Society
  • PAM Tablada - Bélgica

Participation in conferences

  • Journée Francophone de Kinésithérapie 2017 - PARIS
  • Le secret dans le traitement des blessures musculo-squelettiques (J-F. Esculier)
  • Mark JONES - CLINICAL REASONING Fast and Slow Reasoning in Musculoskeletal Practice
  • 9th Biennial Congress of the Belgian Back Society.
  • BBS Scientific Meetings
  • Toby HALL - Clinical assessment and management of cervicogenic headache
  • Wim DANKAERTS - Cognitive Functional Therapy (CFT) for patient-centered management of persistent lumbo-pelvic pain
  • Deborah FALLA - Therapeutic Exercise for Neck Pain Disorders

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Japanese


What is the address of the health professional Kentaro Tanaka?

Square de Meeûs 21 in Ixelles is the address of the practitioner Kentaro Tanaka.

Is the Kentaro Tanaka practitioner accepting new patients?
What languages does the Kentaro Tanaka practitioner speak?
Is the Kentaro Tanaka health professional a member of any associations?
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