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Physiotherapist since 2018. I specialize in musculoskeletal physiotherapy (cervical, mandibular, back, lumbar, shoulders, hands, knees, ankles) in both children and adults. I also perform lymphatic and circulatory drainage treatments, as well as the treatment of pregnancy-related pain.

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Access Information

  • Access for people with disabilities

    • This location provides access to people with disabilities.
  • Parking

    • Easy parking

Payment Methods

    • Cash
    • Payconiq


  • First consultation 37€
  • General consultation 30€
  • Lumbago 30€
  • Manual lymphatic drainage 30€
  • Neck problem 30€
  • Plagiocephaly/infant torticollis 30€
  • Rehabilitation 30€
  • Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) 30€



  • Diplôme de Kinésithérapeute , CEU San Pablo, Kinésithérapie (2014 - 2018)
  • Diplôme de Ostéopathe, ECO, Ostéopathie (2019 - 2023)

Professional experience

  • Kinesithérapéute, Clinique Dentaire et Esthétique Xana, Espagne (2022 - 2023)
  • Kinésithérapeute, Clinique Basion, Espagne (2021 - 2023)
  • Kinésithérapeute, Centre Pluridisciplinaire Logopedia y Psicología Villaverde, Espagne (2018 - 2021)
  • Kinésithérapeute, Top Health & Care Center, Belgium (2023 - Present)

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish

Answers to patient questions

  • General topics

    Hello. I have started to experience a lingering pain in my back on the right hand side. The pain seems to be located between my ribs and it restricts my mobility when I try to rotate/twist my upper body to the right. Heat packs seem to relieve the pain but only momentarily and even anti inflammatory do not help that much. Any advice on who I should see? This issue is starting to affect my quality of life. Many thanks.

    • Hello! It seems like you're suffering from some sort of dorsal or lumbar blockage. This blockage can have several causes, which can be investigated further during a consultation and examination. From my experience, these types of blockages are often muscular in nature and can be easily addressed with manual therapy and specific stretching exercises. I recommend consulting with a physiotherapist to assist you. Have an excellent day :)

      Maria Molina

      Maria Molina

  • General topics

    I injured a muscle or ligament in my hand while climbing. What kind of specialist should I see?

    • Salut ! Je te recommande de consulter un traumatologue, et avec l'ordonnance de séances de kiné (qu'il te prescrira probablement), de consulter un kiné familiarisé avec l'escalade et la rééducation des blessures. En escalade, des blessures aux poulies, des ligaments présents dans les doigts, surviennent fréquemment en raison du poids que nous ne sommes pas habitués à supporter avec nos mains. Il existe des traitements pour soulager la douleur, ainsi que des programmes d'entraînement spécialisés pour renforcer les doigts et rééduquer la main après l... Read more

      Maria Molina

      Maria Molina

  • General topics

    Hello, I have back pain problem and it is very disturbing me on my daily activities. Which doctor that I need to see first? GP or physiotherapist?

    • Bonjour! Pour que tes séances soient remboursées, tu dois d'abord consulter un médecin (un traumatologue ou un médecin généraliste) qui te prescrira les séances. Il y a également l'option que tu viennes directement à la consultation pour un traitement direct avec le kiné, mais ces séances ne sont pas remboursables pour des raisons purement formelles

      Maria Molina

      Maria Molina

The content of the answers is strictly informative and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice


What is the address of the practitioner Maria Molina?

The practitioner Maria Molina is situated at Avenue François Sebrechts 69 in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean.

Is the Maria Molina practitioner accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Maria Molina accept?
What languages does the Maria Molina practitioner speak?
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