Good afternoon, it’s been a couple of weeks that my arm hurts, the pain starts from the bone to the left of the elbow. What specific examinations should I do and which specialist should I consult?
We are tourists in Brussels. My father, who is diabetic, fell in the bathtub and sustained a 5cm long superficial cut (not deep) on the front of his foot. Could you please advise us on where we should go if a tetanus shot is required?
Based on my son behavior we are thinking that he is having ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) whom we need to consult pediatrician or Developmental Pediatrician or child Psychiatrist ?
Which Specialist Should I See for TMJ Disorder?
I am constantly dizzy, but the dizziness gets worse when I walk for more than 10 minutes and then I become so dizzy, my legs are weak, and I feel like I am about to faint. I also have intolerance to cold or heat. I also suffer from headaches mostly migraines, PVCs, tinnitus, anxiety, imbalance, and inability to focus. I’ve been dealing with this for more than 2 years now.
Good day! I suffer from sinusitis and my sinuses are full of pus, I have an x-ray. Do you do a sinus tap?
i am 29 weeks pregnant. just flow 2 days ago 14 hour flight. Also taken multiple flights over the past 8 weeks. Past 3 weeks presenting severe cramping in right ankle at night only. Cramp Goes away after i massage / stomp on it. However pain continues in the morning. After 3 weeks now, leg has a small red soreness / bruise. What would be your diagnosis and plan of action?
I have a neurological history as well as history involving unexplained muscular pain issues. I had unexplained bruising as well as stomach pain and swelling that led me to the emergency room where my D-Dimer level was high. Now that I am generally stabilized, which doctor would I go to to run possible labs on any autoimmune diseases I have that may cause it (suggestion of the hospital). Would I have to go to a specialist to get my blood tested?
My daughter has a skin reaction with mild red dots on chest and back and more dots on arms, hands, etc. No dots in her face but started with red cheeks. She is vaccinated against all major child's diseases and does not have any other symptoms. I am assuming it is "slapped cheek disease". Is there a need to check with a doctor if she is otherwise perfectly fine?
Hello, a few days ago I had lower back pain that extended down to my leg. After the pain subsided, I started feeling a slight tingling in my leg and having trouble with my foot—I can't lift it completely. Which doctor should I consult? Do I need to see a general practitioner first, who will then refer me further, or...?"
Last year I had knee surgery and recently the scars tissue filled with fluid and it hurts soft. What should I do ?
Good afternoon, my name is Daryna, I currently live in Belgium, a month ago I was in Ukraine and changed a temporary crown to a zirconium one, a few days ago my tooth started to hurt when pressed, now it just secretly hurts. Can you help me and what will be the price of the treatment?
Wed 03/05/2023: fever (up to 38.8), cough, runny nose, especially in the evening and at night. Thu: fever, vomiting. Fri: sawing fever (37.5 - 38.5), vomiting. Sat: in the morning the fever starts, in the evening it goes back to normal. Sense of smell lost. Coughing attacks at night, preventing sleep Sun: morning seems fine At 13:00 the fever rises to 39.4. What should I do?
Hello. I went recently to a GP concerning some extra skin that appeared on my anus and I was told it’s an STD called “Anal Warts” and that I must see a specialist to have them removed. But I don’t know exactly what kind of specialist I should go for. I did all the other tests for STD’s afterwards and I do not have any other problem. Thank you.
I would like to do a breast ecography - which doctor should I book?
Hello, some years ago i bumped inwards part of Knees together and it was ok after some weeks but now whenever i pull up my lower back i feel a sensation no pain necessarily but i don't understand what it is? Should i see physiotherapist?
Hello, I have severe tooth pain for 2 days now and dafalgan 1g isn’t working to the point that I cannot eat and sleep properly. Would I need a prescription for stronger medication/painkiller?
Hello, I woke up with a 2 cm patch of tiny bumpy blisters(around 8-10) on my right cheek. The area around the blisters is slightly itchy and red. Is it concerning? Should I see a doctor?
I need new orthopedic insoles. where can i get them?
My mother-in-law (88 yo) has ostheoarthritis of one of her hips. It gives her a lot of pain, and we were told previously that it can not be as such cured, she should simply use pain killers. Also, we have a disabled parking permit for her from the UK where we moved from. We would like to obtain a similar permit (carte de stationnement) in Belgium where we currently live. There are therefore two questions: 1) what doctor do we need to see for the general ostheoarthritis consultation and prescription of the pain killers 2) would the same doctor be able to keep and provide upon request the information required for our application for the carte stationnement Thank you very much!
Hi, What are the necessary procedures and timeline for a foreigner with Crohn's disease, who requires Infliximab treatment every six weeks, to initiate and receive this treatment in Belgium while living and working there?
Hello, I am almost 5 years post treatment for breast cancer. I have recently relocated to Brussels. How do I connect with an Oncologist for follow up checks?
Hello, I was on the birth control shot for 4 years before coming here to Belgium. I stopped my depo provera shot in December 2022 but I still haven’t gotten my menstruation. Is there something I can do to induce it? I think it’s messing up my cortisol levels also…
I've seen a neuropsychologist and now I need to see a neurologist to get an ADHD diagnosis but the one given by my neuropsy is too far to reach by car and hard to get to by commen transport, what should I do?
Can doctors do vaccination for flu vaccine? If yes then what is the process to get vaccinated?
Which doctor should I go to to remove stitches from a minor operation?
Which osteopath specialization I need to seek for discal hernia treatment?
Itchy foot: I have a mild but long-term itchyness sensation on my foot for 4 weeks now. There are no visible skin sympthons, I am using an antifungal cream, a moisturizer, regurarly taking a baking soda tea tree foot soak, and I am taking oral antihystamine. I have no other suspicious symptoms whatsoever. My last blood tast was taken in November and every result was ok. Where should I start, which specialist should I see? Thank you for your help!
I have problem with one of my ear as it started itching from inside but now it’s moving fluids from the ear and it’s blocking my hearing, and I don’t know what can I do
Hi have problem in thumb finger. It’s painful inside. Cricket ball hit straight. So can I consult orthopedic doctor or general practitioner? Thank you
Hello. I had a viral infection 4 weeks ago that caused heart palpitations (they are now gone), pain in the lower neck and headache (gone). I did an MRI of head and neck and everything came out good. I had tsh, t3 and t4 tests done 3 weeks ago and all were fine. Today I did USG of thyroid and it is enlarged with more vascularity but with no tumors or anything like that. For around a week now i also started to feel tingling in my legs (below knees) and a pressure under one knee. I am completely lost and not sure what to do next.
Hello, I assume I need glasses for a first time and planning to visit Ophthalmologist. Could you please advise me what type of exam I do need: Field of vision; General consultation or Visual assessment? Thank you
Hello! How long does a doctor's referral for a blood test last in Belgium?
Hello. Can you please advise me which doctor I need to visit if I have pain in my lumbar? And also I have pain in my shins like in the bones there, especially after sport. Which doctor do I need for this?
Hi, I am a singer but I realized lately that after singing for sometime I lose my voice and I feel like there's something in my throat. I don't know what to do?
I have an inherited thrombophilia, I need to go for a regular checkup. Which doctor can I see?
I have lower back pain what doctor should i see ?
Hi, I have pain in my right sole for a few weeks. Initially, I only felt it standing when I put my weight on it, and I though it will pass. But the pain increased and now I have a constant pain and it is difficult to walk. Which kind of doctor should I visit? Thanks.
What does an orthopedic consultation consist of here in Belgium for a persistent ankle injury due to previous moderate/severe ligament tears? I've already had an x-ray in Feb 2023 and nothing was found in the scan, but the foot/ankle gives me pain everyday, especially when walking up and down stairs. After the initial injury, I was supposed to stay off of it, but couldn't.
I've experienced hoarseness and throat irritation persisting for over 5 weeks now. Overall, my well-being has been stable, though it fluctuates day by day. Recently, I've developed a slight cough, but apart from that, I haven't experienced any other typical cold symptoms. Should I book an appointment with a general practitioner or someone else?
Hi, I feel pain in my right kneel on the inner side when i move it sometimes. I fell on this kneel over a year ago but i still feel the lingering pain. Who should i see for such issues?
What type of appointment is needed at the ophtalmologist for measuring eye pressure? - general consultation/glaucoma/Field of vision/Visual assessment
Which doctors can help me in dental crown replacement or repair?
I had the result of my X-Ray: suspicion d'un niveau hydro-aerique au sein du sinus maxillaire droit. Would you please let me know with what doctor I should schedule a meeting?
I am suffering with snoring problem and unable to sleep properly and its irritating to other person as well in the my room any suggestion to avoid this problem.
Hi, I am 36 years old male. I had L5-S1 surgery to remove the disc 5 years ago. I am having pain again in lower back and my legs since last 4-5 days.. I am resting but would like to know if it can be something serious. Should I go for MRI and diagnosis again or it is normal to have such episodes knowing the medical condition I have. Will I be normal again to live normal life ? Thanks in advance for Guidance
I am worried about having a pinched nerve. I feel some tingling on my left arm and leg, although I have no pain. I fell on the stairs about 3 weeks ago and hit the left side of my back, near my waist. Who should I consult or is there anything I can do on my own?
Hello, I had a fall on Saturday where I hit my head. I slept most of Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Tuesday morning I noticed my right eye being blurry when looking at my computer and it gives me a funny nauseating feeling. I went to the Urgency they did a CT scan and extensive eye checks. There seems to be no blood on the scans and nothing physically wrong with my eye. The emergency Dr, told me to take one day of work, and they gave me some eye drops to lubricate my eye. I was back at work today. However, my eye is still blurring and I feel tired really quickly when I have to read on the computer. Is this normal, should I just go through this feeling until it disappears? Should I book another consultation? I don't want to spent another day at the ER
Euthanasia, assisted suicide...i need to find a specialist for this case.who deals with this?please,i need a name of a doctor or a clinic.i have asked in other countries and i am very tired,i wish to die .i need a concrete answer.thank you
Hello. I have started to experience a lingering pain in my back on the right hand side. The pain seems to be located between my ribs and it restricts my mobility when I try to rotate/twist my upper body to the right. Heat packs seem to relieve the pain but only momentarily and even anti inflammatory do not help that much. Any advice on who I should see? This issue is starting to affect my quality of life. Many thanks.
Hello, I have a soft lump that has developed on my gum under the front side of my molar. Is this urgent? I dont have any pain.
Hello. For information purposes, I would like to ask how much it would cost to +/- filling a front tooth (+/- lower left corner of the tooth). Regards
which doctors deals with intense vaginal itching and discharge
Is forced decalotage on little boys still supported in Belgium? Personal experience on my son is unfortunately showing that it is... It has been traumatic for him and us parents, so I am looking for a pediatrician and/or urologist against this procedure on infants (2 year and a half) Thank you
good evening, I've suffered a bad knee injury, but I can't figure out whether it's a knock, meniscus rupture or cruciate. How can I verify this? A visit without insurance in belgium how much is it ?
Hello! I have been getting some itches and rashes on my back and neck after eating apples. Maybe it is the pesticides on the skin of the apples? Any help would be great, thanks!
I am in Brussels with a sprained ankle after a fall. What kind of practice should I search for?
how much does teeth whitening cost ?
Where should I go for ADHD disorder. I have problems about concentration and focusing on a single task and also cant help thinkin of thousands thoughts and getting distracted
Hello i was cooking and small frying oil splasesh into my left eye its red on the corner of the eyes there is pain but not too much i put water on my eyes after it got into my eyes what should i do ?
Dear doctor, I just found out I am pregnant (week 5) and would like to see which supplement of folic acid / folate / methylfolate is best? Can I take both acid folic and methylfolate? Can one take too much of acid folic or methylfolate? I started taking Omnibionta pronatal 1 and also a vit B complex from Pure encapsulations, Zinc 15, Selenium 55. I regularly take Q10, Vit D3 and Omega 3. I am mostly worried about folic acid / methylfolate / folate as I know it is crucial now and also there is a debate which one is best. Many thanks
I have plantar fascitis and have tried stretching and exercises. who should I see?
Hi, I received lab results which my doctor asked for. Do I have to send it to him or he will automatically receive it too (it was in lab out of the clinic in which he works)? Thank you
I have recently done a blood test and i have GGT 155 U/L comprared to reference value 0-38.. what does that means ? What are the risks and what is next step to check ?
I hit my little toe, it’s swollen and blue, how do I know if it’s broken?
hello which doctor is best to advice on tendon/ligament pain and arthritis in the knee? thank you
Hello, my shoulder is about a few centimeters out of place since i landed on it strangely. My question is how serious this can be since I still have full range of motion although it does feel unstable in certain positions when I do sports and which doctor I need to see to put it back into place.
Hello, I have a numbness is my legs and arms that I feel less and more everyday since april. Which doctor do I need to make an appointement? neurologist?
Good evening. 3 weeks ago I had epidural steroid injections to my spine ( neck herniaC5-c6 ). I started my Physiotherapy week ago. Few days ago I received documents from hospital that I had two injection to my spine one on the 21st March (C5-C6) second one on 29 th March (C6-C7)I knew straight away that something was wrong . I couldn’t walk I felt so much pain . Second injection has been done incorrectly ( wrong place ). I can’t get in touch with my orthopedist (holidays) I completely don’t know what to do with it. It hurts all the time. Should I continue with my physiotherapy or stop it till I will have my appointment with my Physiotherapist(2 nd May 2024) ? Please help
I got ectopic pregnancy in November and lam pregnant is it safe to keep ?
Hello, I have need a removal of genital wart. Which doctor shoul I visit? Thanks.
I am moving to belgium with my adult son who is my dependent. He has ADHD and is prescribed medications which I administer.currently we are in singapore. May I request to know the paper work required for transfer of his case to the relevant doctor?
Hello! If I need orthopedic insoles should I book an appointment with an orthopedist or a different specialist?
Hi, I am an international PhD living in France but I will be in Belgium for a month in August. Can I visit a gynaecologist for general consultation while I am in Belgium?
Who do I see about wrist/thumb pain? I have had pain in my thumb and wrist, mostly when picking things up (like a mug of tea). I was rock climbing regularly when it started to bother me, and after resting it for two months, it still is causing me pain. There was no specific moment that caused the injury.
I have been bitten by a cat in morocco 7 months ago should i be worried about rabies?
Hello! I have recently returned from vacation in my room and I’ve been constantly sneezing and my eyes burning. I went on vacation and the symptoms went away but as soon as I returned to Belgium the symptoms started again. Who should get me checked? I think it’s mold poisoning but how can I be sure?
I am 34 years old and have not had a period for circa 4 years and wish to know if this can be a sign of a serious irreversible condition. Which doctor should I consult ?
Chlamydia pneumonia since november 2023. My son got this bacteria and after 3 antibiotics treatment, he is still positive. In addition, he started to show symptoms of reactive arthritis with pain to all his feet and leg joints. Also, headaches are stronger and he is always dizzy and tired. What specialist could help us? Thank you
Hi, I'm 29 years old and sometimes i experience heat on one part of my arm. Like half of my arm feels hot than the other. It's not hot when i touch it but i feel hot sensations on that part of the arm. It comes and goes away. Please let me know who i can see to have this checked out.
I have hemorrhoids that are not disappearing. Should I go to a general practitioner o to a specialist?
Hi, I have a blister that popped and is looking very red, with a bit of pus. I started yesterday putting Flammazine cream and band-aids, but for now it is not getting better. Should I see a doctor? Which one? How can I book it?
I got sores inside my vagina and its itching. They keep on coming and going. Do you have advice ?
Dear, I would like to get a blood test to see which kind of supplements I should take for my general health and for my skin. Which doctor I am supposed to get appointment from?
dull pain in the lower right just under the stomach, concerned it might be ovarian or cervic cancer, what tests should i do ? Female 21
Who do I need to see regarding dysfunctional digestion ?
Good afternoon! I want to do an internship abroad. For this internship, the company tells me I need to get a medical certificate from a doctor that shows that I am fit to work at the office. I see some doctors here provide medical certificates (Attestation médicale). Could this 'Attestation médicale' be a medical certificate to prove I am fit to work for my internship abroad? or is it only made for employees to justify not being fit to work for their employer? Thanks!
Hello, I have back pain problem and it is very disturbing me on my daily activities. Which doctor that I need to see first? GP or physiotherapist?
Hello! How long should the vitamin D supplement continue in children?
Hello, my daughter needs a nasal ablation. She 21 yrs old, and had one done some years ago. Does every ENT doctor do that? Could I get a reply please, who could do this? Many thanks
Hello! I've had pain in my left arm for about 6-7 months. It began with finger numbness and progressed to constant pain and high sensitivity on the two last fingers of the hand. The numbness was gone after some electric stimulation, but the pain lingered depending on the weather. I had the EMG/ENG electromyography/electroneurography done, but nothing on the test. Some guidance please?
Who has expertise on cyclic vomiting syndrome in Belgium
Dear Doctor, I have been experiencing a discomfort in my right testicle and the surrounding areas for the past week. It started suddenly when I woke up one morning. Details- It extends to my lower abdomen area especially around the groin and the back of my right thigh. I dont have severe pain, but there is some discomfort or a mild ache which I notice while lying down or resting. I didnt see any problem while walking. I dont have redness, or any visible changes in the testicle. No fever, No nausea. I dont remember to have any injury happened in the area recently, and I dont have history of any testicular problems and infections. I am not sure what is causing the discomfort and whether it could be something like a strain, infection or any other issue. Could you help me to understand this better ?
What body focused therapies would you recommend for burnout (to complement talk therapy)?
Since almost an year, I have very low iron levels (Fe and ferritin).. I forget the pill sometimes and sometimes it gives me nausea... my colleague was suggesting Iron IV treatment, can you let me know which doctor can help ?
I have apparentely an ingrown hair cyst. What kind of specialist should I see?
What to do if you suspect you have herpes zoster?
I have been diagnosed with Morton's Neuroma. Should I make an appointment at a Podiatrist? If so, what type of consultation do I require?
Good evening, I just moved to Brussels (from Slovakia) for work I would need certificate from the doctor that my mental and physical health allow me to work with the children (in a crèche.). Please can you advise me where and how can I get it? Thank you very much
Going to a beach holiday tomorrow and period may start. Which is the safest pill with the least side effects to stop the period at least for 10 days? Can it be purchased with or without prescription? 34 years old 54kg
What causes an itchy anus ?
hello , i have a nerve sciatic pain , which specialist should i contact please ?
Hi, I am located in Australia. It is possible as a 33 year old with Schizophrenia to travel to Belgium to get euthanasia as tourist? If so what is the cost and the process? Thank you. Regards
Hello, I seem to have issues with a tendon in my right hand. I feel pain starting with my hand, writs and up. Which doctor shall I see?
My 2.5 year old son had a vision screening in O.N.E was told to be having astigmatism. Is this common in children and would they outgrow it ? Thanks in advance.
Where can I do a spermogram and what is the cost?
My son (US citizen) is studying in Saint Gilles until end of March. He is on medication for OCD and anxiety. He is running out of the medication. Fedex brought the medication to Belgium but it is delayed in customs. Can he get a prescription filled at a local pharmacy? It is urgent. He only has enough for a few more days.
How do you test for high cortisol levels?
What specialist do I need to see for an oedema legs/feet? Vascular, phlebologist, .... ?
how can i get rid of my toe fungus as fast as possible ? i have read that it can be removed with a certain laser treatment ?
I injured a muscle or ligament in my hand while climbing. What kind of specialist should I see?
Hello, I am a newcomer arrived in Brussels 2 months ago. For the past 2 days I have been COVID positive. I am not yet registered with a doctor in Brussels. Is it necessary to go in person to a doctor for registration or is it also possible through video consultation? I need a medical certificate for my job. Thank you
Can you recommend a place to get a vasectomy in Brussels?
Hi, I have a small Hernia (L5-S1) which pushes on the sciatic nerve. The pain is now extended to the knee/calf/foot. Which is the specialist I should get in contact with?
After circumcision there was swelling around the head of the pennis and were told that it would fade after a few months. It has not faded what can be done. The operation was done in Africa and we are now in Brussels. Is there a specialist who can handle this.
Is there a very high risk of blood clots when using contraceptive patches?
I have to travel to africa. (ghana) What kind of vaccinations are required? how i can get those in brussels and hepatitis a?
As a 33 year old Australian with Schizophrenia can I get euthanasia as a tourist in Belgium for mental illness? If so what is the process and who should I contact?
Hello, my tonsils are very swollen and I spot something resembling a blood blister on one of them.. they have these white spots on them as well.. Also they were very swollen just a month and a half ago so I am concerned as to why this is returning. What kind of doctor should I contact?
Hi! I have an acne problem. What should I do? Should I go straight to derma? Or take general consultation first?
Good morning, I had an operation on Tuesday 7/16/24. The doctor did a resection. A tooth was broken under my porcelain crown. I still feel a pulsating pain in my gums. I've been rinsing my mouth with Iso Betadine twice a day. Please tell me what to do ?
Hi, I always get cold and cough so what should do? It seems I have some allergies. Regards
Hello, I would like to know if I am intolerant to some food. I don't know if I should go to a GP or to an allergologist?
What does a genecology Check-up / full examination consist of?
How much can cost an implant dentaire?
I want to perform a sclerotherapy, in small red veins and after 2 days I am travelling for vacations and I want to swim in the sea. it is a really minor issue behind my knee mostly for cosmetic reasons I want to get rid of it. Is it ok to swim after 48 hours?
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