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Michalon Gilles Physiotherapist: Book an online appointment Michalon Gilles Physiotherapist: Book an online appointment

Michalon Gilles


License number: 53535288522

  • Estimated confirmation time 180 +


Physiotherapy: my practice is essentially manual, the treatments are oriented towards improving mobility in restricted areas, joints, connective tissues or muscles. Specific treatments: orthopedic manual therapy (muscle relaxation, joint release and nerve release): Fasciatherapy (Trigger Point treatment set of techniques focused on muscle knots and hooking releases adhesions and fibrosis of muscle fascias and scars ); Dry Needling (needle treatment of deep muscle knots).

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


  • TMJ (Temporo Mandibular Joint)
  • Reviews and expertise
  • Cryotherapy
  • Osteopathy
  • Lock picking
  • Myofascial syndrome
  • Dry Needling

Access and Appointments

  • Payment Methods

    Bank Card

    Appointment Policy

    • Payment at the practice
      During your visit, you can select the payment method of your choice from the options mentioned above.
    • Cancellation
      You can always cancel up to 24 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.



  • Master in physiotherapy, ULB, Belgium (2000 - 2004) Training in Taping, Etma, Belgium (2003 - 2003) Training in Hooking, GERFD, Belgium (2004 - 2004) Complementary Master in Osteopathy, ULB, Belgium (2004 - 2007) Dry Training Needling, Kpten, France (2013

Professional experience

  • Physiotherapist, Erasme Hospital, Cardiology (2004 - 2006) Liberal physiotherapist, Cabinet Peeters - Jette (2007 - 2011) Physiotherapist Manual Therapy, Physical Therapy Michalon (2012 - Present) Physiotherapy, Hälsa Center (2022 - Present) Osteopathy, P

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French

Answers to patient questions

  • General topics

    Hi, I am 36 years old male. I had L5-S1 surgery to remove the disc 5 years ago. I am having pain again in lower back and my legs since last 4-5 days.. I am resting but would like to know if it can be something serious. Should I go for MRI and diagnosis again or it is normal to have such episodes knowing the medical condition I have. Will I be normal again to live normal life ? Thanks in advance for Guidance

    • Good morning,
      it is not surprising to present several episodes of lumbar pain and even very acute radiating pain, unfortunately.
      Then, there are several causes of radiating pain in the legs, they are not always of disc origin, or even lumbar. they have an in-depth clinical examination done (sometimes it's better than doing an MRI or scan directly).
      In addition, in the long term it must be said that even someone who has not had medical intervention will experience several episodes of low back pain. So it's a real hygiene of life to adopt to avoid further weakening your back: physical activities, relaxation, good diet (avoid
      ... Read more

      Michalon Gilles

      Michalon Gilles

  • Knee pain

    Hi, I think I sprained my left knee. So, I got a knee support from the pharmacy to support recovery. As a self-diagnosis, I have no problems walking, the inner side ligaments seem to be healing better, but even after 8 weeks, the knee still feel sore. I can swim, but not really run and certainly not do any contact sports. It's probably best to finally see a general doctor. After seeing a general doctor, in case it is necessary, what could be the possible next steps to investigate what is wrong with the knee?

    • Hello,
      You have to see a physical therapist for the next steps, to recover the total mobility and the muscles.

      Michalon Gilles

      Michalon Gilles

  • General topics

    Good evening. 3 weeks ago I had epidural steroid injections to my spine ( neck herniaC5-c6 ). I started my Physiotherapy week ago. Few days ago I received documents from hospital that I had two injection to my spine one on the 21st March (C5-C6) second one on 29 th March (C6-C7)I knew straight away that something was wrong . I couldn’t walk I felt so much pain . Second injection has been done incorrectly ( wrong place ). I can’t get in touch with my orthopedist (holidays) I completely don’t know what to do with it. It hurts all the time. Should I continue with my physiotherapy or stop it till I will have my appointment with my Physiotherapist(2 nd May 2024) ? Please help

    • Good evening,
      You didn't describe your symptoms, so it's easier to refer patients with this information.
      In any case, it would be interesting to turn to other disciplines if physiotherapy doesn't help. Acupunctures, gentle osteopathy?

      Michalon Gilles

      Michalon Gilles

The content of the answers is strictly informative and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice


What is the address of the health professional Gilles Gilles?

The practitioner Gilles Gilles is located at Avenue Adolphe Buyl 173 in Ixelles.

Is the Gilles Gilles practitioner accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Gilles Gilles accept?
What languages does the Gilles Gilles practitioner speak?
Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Michalon Gilles and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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