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Dr Mehdi Khamaktchian ENT (Oto-Rhino-Laryngologist) and aesthetic medicine: Book an online appointment Dr Mehdi Khamaktchian ENT (Oto-Rhino-Laryngologist) and aesthetic medicine: Book an online appointment

License number: 18956471410

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Dr. Mehdi Khamaktchian is a specialist in Otolaryngology (nose, throat and ear) and Cervico-Facial Surgery. He welcomes you to his private practice. He specializes in nasal surgery, rhinoplasty, sinus surgery, allergy and sleep related breathing disorders (snoring) as well as facial rejuvenation. Dr. Mehdi Khamaktchian trained at the CHU Saint-Pierre (Professor Gilbert Chantrain and Marie-Paule Thill), at the Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc (Professors Michel Gersdorff, Philippe Rombaux and Benoît Lengelé), at the CHU Tivoli (Professor Pierre Dolhen).

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


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  • Université Libre de Bruxelles + Doctor in Medicine, Surgery and Childbirth Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculty of Medicine - Grand Distinction - 2003 --- Diploma of Specialized Studies (DES) Otorhinolaryngology and Cervicofacial Surgery Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculty of Medicine Grand Distinction - 2008

Professional experience

  • Sint-Pieters University Hospital + Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc + Tivoli University Hospital + Brugmann University Hospital
  • Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc
  • CHU Tivoli
  • CHU Brugmann
  • Rhinoplasty , TAS institute, Turquie (2021)
  • World Aesthetic, AMWC, France, Monaco, Royaume Uni (2011 - 2019)

Organisations member

  • - Member of the Royal Belgian ENT Society +- Member of the French ENT Society.

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Dutch

Answers to patient questions

  • General topics

    Good day! I suffer from sinusitis and my sinuses are full of pus, I have an x-ray. Do you do a sinus tap?

    • Hello
      Sinus tap helps. Although I suggest to have an ENT examination and a CT-Scanner of the sinus before considering the use of antibiotics. In all cases, even if it is only a rhinitis, I advice you to use saline water shower and a dedicated spray depending on the findings of the examination.

      Mehdi Khamaktchian

      Mehdi Khamaktchian

The content of the answers is strictly informative and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice

Academic research and publications

  • DES ENT, ULB - 2016 sleep-related breathing disorders, in collaboration with Pr D Neu.+Feasibility and results of multistage radiofrequency tissue reduction with trans-cricothyroid catheter ventilation in patients with sleep-related breathing disorders+Functional outcomes in cholesteatoma surgery.+Myofunctional management of sleep-related breathing disorders Bachelor logopedics+Latex allergy and health care workers, study over 230 workers+DES Occupational Medicine - M. Vilao, C. De Brouwer+116 è Congrès de la Société Française d'ORL et de Chirurgie de la Face et du Cou ; Paris, 4 au 6 octobre 2009+Khamaktchian M, Spinato L, Neu D, Plasmann C, Bisschop P+Apport de l'examen endoscopique des voies aériennes supérieures sous sedation dans+la prise en charge des troubles respiratoires lies au sommeil : à propos de 255 cas.+American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) 2009 Annual Scientific Meeting; Miami, Florida; November 05 - 10, 2009+Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Vol 103; A25 - 28+Khamaktchian M, Michel O, Bisschop P+Evaluation of the Nasal Resistance Measurement by Body Plethysmography+European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) European Rhinitis and Asthma Meeting , Symposium on Experimental Rhinology and Immunology of the Nose (ERAM-SERIN) Congress, Brussels, 4th to 6th November 2010.+Khamaktchian M, Bisschop P, Michel O+Rhinoplathysmography and nasal resistance measurement+X World Congress on sleep apnea, August 27- September 1, 2012, Rome, Italy+Bisschop P, Neu D, Khamaktchian M+Surgical treatment of sleep related breathing disorders: handling optimization using drug+induced sleep endoscopy+X World Congress on sleep apnea, August 27- September 1, 2012, Rome, Italy+Plasman C, Verdoodt H, Khamakthcian M, Bisschop P, Van der Linden P+Sleep Endoscopy: monitoring the anaesthetic depth using entropy+119 th Congress of the French Society of ENT and Surgery of the Face and Neck; Paris, October 13-15, 2012+Surgery in the treatment of sleep-related breathing disorders: Optimizing management with induced sleep endoscopy+Khamaktchian M, Neu D, Bisschop P+Symposium of The Royal Belgian Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Brussels (07/02/2004)+Khamaktchian M, Saussez S+Intrathyroid metastases+Symposium of The Royal Belgian Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Brussels (24/05/2008)+Khamaktchian M, Rombaux P+Multilevel Radiofrequency and snoring+Symposium of the Snoring Clinic, CHU-Brugmann, Brussels (06/06/2009)+Khamaktchian M+Focus on Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders. Review of 300 cases of Sleep Endoscopy at the Brugmann University Hospital+Symposium of the Snoring Clinic, Brugmann University Hospital, Brussels (20/01/2010)+Khamaktchian M+Does Sleep endoscopy change the fate of our patients?+Symposium of The Royal Belgian Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck+Surgery, Brussels (19/02/2011)+Khamaktchian M, Michel O, Bisschop P+Nasal resistance measurement assessment by plethysmographic cabin+The Sleep Congress, Strasbourg (24-26/11/2011)+Khamaktchian M , PLasman C, Neu D, Bisschop P, Kabtouri H+The contribution of laser epiglottectomy in the treatment of sleep apnea-hypopnea+syndrome after diagnosis by upper airway endoscopy under+sedation. Poster+Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Society of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery,+Brussels (24/03/2012)+Kabtori H, Spinato L, Khamaktchian M, Beauvois S, Bisschop P+Spindle cell carcinoma with osteosarcoma-like differentiation which presented a large+laryngeal round mass: a case report. Poster+5th ISSS International Symposium, Surgery, Sleep and Breathing, Venice, (29 -31/3/2012)+Bisschop P, Kabtouri H, Sponato L, Khamaktchian M+Sleep endoscopy: benefits and specific analysis over obstructive epiglottis. Poster+24th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society, Toulouse (17-21/6/2012)+Bisschop P, Karmali R, Khamaktchian M, Kabtouri H, Spinato L+Small benign ethmoidal tumor inducing oncogenic osteomalacia: case report and+review of the ENT literature. Poster+119th Congress of the French Society of ENT and Surgery of the Face and Neck; Paris, (October 13-15, 2012)+Kabtouri H, Spinato L, Khamaktchian M, Beauvois S, Bisschop P+Spindle cell carcinoma with osteosarcoma-like differentiation which presented as a+large laryngeal round mass: a case report .Poster+7th Otoforum, Dijon (14-15/12/2012)+Endoscopic treatment of tubal hollowness by hydroxyapatite injection.+Khamaktchian M - Kabtouri H - Bisschop P+Poster+Symposium of the Snoring Clinic, CHU-Brugmann, Brussels (02/02/2017)+Khamaktchian M+Biomechanical impacts of pharyngoplasty+Meeting of the Interdisciplinary Belgian Dental Sleep Medicine Academy (iBEDSMA), Brussels (13/10/2018)+Khamaktchian M+Sleep-related breathing disorders and their news.+Spring Symposium of The Royal Belgian Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Brussels (23/02/2019)+Waldbilig C, Khamaktchian M, Canie M, Neu D, Bisschop P.+The Predicting factor of cephalometric imaging in the obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome.+Invitations as a speaker, outside congresses and colloquia+- Management of sleep-related respiratory disorders Mons+- Auditory Neuropathy - CHU Saint Pierre, Brussels (24/11/2003)+- Coblation - CHU Saint Pierre, Brussels (22/05/2004)+- Naso-Sinus tumors - CHU Saint Pierre, Brussels (11/12/2004)+- Ototoxicity - CHU Saint Pierre, Brussels (6/6/5)+- Reconstructive surgery in ENT - CHU Saint Pierre, Brussels (20/03/2006)+- Therapeutic news of snoring and sleep apnea - Mons (07/12/2008)+- Novelties in the management of allergic rhinitis - Glem Ophthalmology, Brussels (03/12/2009)+O.R.L.+- Multi-level radio frequency. GLEM (02/02/2009)+- Results of sleependoscopy. Role of the epiglottis in the genesis of +snoring. (20/04/2009)+- Rhino-plethysmography and provocation tests. GLEM (15/03/2010)+- A logopedic treatment for ronchopathies. GLEM (17/06/2013)+Ms. H. Smida+- Electrostimulation in the treatment of sleep apnea. (29/09/2013)+- Music therapy 15/12/2014+- Nasal provocation: measurement methods and immunological aspects. GLEM (18/05/2015)+- Head and neck filling products. (18/04/2016) Accreditation 16006935+- Interest of the study of mandibular movements in the development of+sleep-related breathing disorders. GLEM (18/09/2017)+- Rhinomanometry:interpretation and interest. GLEM (18/02/2019)+Membership in learned societies+- Member of the Royal Belgian ENT Society.+- Member of the French ENT Society.+Awards, distinctions and marks of scientific notoriety+- European Award for best research poster:+European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) European Rhinitis and Asthma Meeting , Symposium on Experimental Rhinology and Immunology of the Nose (ERAM-SERIN) Congress, Brussels, 4th to 6th November 2010.+Khamaktchian M, Bisschop P, Michel O+Rhinoplathysmography and nasal resistance measurement.+Education activities+Conferences, participations in radio and television programs, writing+of articles (in non-scientific journals) Supervision of groups, etc.+- RTBF- Matière Grise (2011)+- RTBF - On est pas des pigeons (November 2012)+- RTBF - On est pas des pigeons (October 2017)+


What is the address of practitioner Mehdi Khamaktchian?

Clos du Meunier 13 in Wezembeek-Oppem is the address of Doctor Mehdi Khamaktchian.

Is Dr. Mehdi Khamaktchian accepting new patients?
What are the payment methods accepted by Dr. Mehdi Khamaktchian?
What languages does Doctor Mehdi Khamaktchian speak?
Is Dr. Mehdi Khamaktchian a member of any associations?
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