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Dr Stéfano Barile Ophthalmologist | doctoranytime Dr Stéfano Barile Ophthalmologist | doctoranytime
License number: 16764271370

Stéfano Barile

Ophthalmologist in Liège

    • Avenue de L'Hòpital 1, Liège, Region Liege
    • Avenue Albert Ier 185, Namur, Region of Namur
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  • Surgical
  • Cataract
  • Retina

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  • Cataract
  • Contact lenses / glasses From €41.23 up to €55
  • Diabetes
  • Emergency
  • Field of vision
  • Fundus examination From €41.23 up to €55
  • General consultation From €41.23 up to €55
  • Glaucoma
  • Laser Surgery
  • Pre-surgical examination
  • Taxi/Driver examination 60€
  • Visual assessment From €41.23 up to €55
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  • 2001 University of Liège, Degree of Doctor of Medicine+ 2005 University of Liège, Degree of Specialist in Ophthalmology+.

Professional experience

  • CHU Sart Tilman Liège+ CHR Sambre & Meuse Namur+University of Montreal - Maisonneuve Hospital Rosement (Fellowship in retinal surgery and pathologies) - Montreal - Quebec - Canada+Instituto Oftalmológico de Alicante - Alicante - Spain+Spain

Organisations member

  • French Society of Ophthalmology (SFO)

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Italian

Academic Research and Publications

  • Clinical studies:+Principal investigator, VISION Study (CRFB002DBE02), An observational, open label, multicentre study of the effectiveness, safety and associated practice patterns in patients with diabetic macular oedema, branch retinal vein occlusion and pathologic myopia being treated with Lucentis (ranibizumab).+Principal investigator, LUMINOUS Study (CRFB002EBE01), Study to observe the effectiveness and safety of ranibizumab through individualised patient treatment and associated outcomes, Novartis Pharmaceuticals. Multicenter International Study, ongoing.+Co-investigator, Acrismart 36A IOL, Acri.Tec Laboratory. Study of a new aspherical IOL for MICS implantation. Multicenter International Study. Study center: VISSUM - Instituto Oftalmológico de Alicante. Principal investigator: Pr. JL Alió y Sanz+Co-investigator, TECNIS Z9000 IOL, AMO Laboratory. Study of a new aspherical IOL. Multicenter International Study. Study Centre: VISSUM - Instituto Oftalmológico de Alicante. Principal investigator: Dr. JL Rodriguez-Prats+Co-investigator, EyeTech Study 1005, anti-VEGF aptamer Macugen (pegaptanib sodium) for diabetic macular edema. Multicenter International Study. Study Centre: VISSUM - Instituto Oftalmológico de Alicante. Principal investigator: Dr. JM Ruiz Moreno+Co-investigator, EyeTech Study 1003, anti-VEGF aptamer Macugen (pegaptanib sodium) for CNV in AMD. Multicenter International Study. Study center: VISSUM - Instituto Oftalmológico de Alicante. Principal investigator: Dr. JM Ruiz Moreno+Co-investigator, BCSO: Belgian Compliance Study in Ophthalmology, Adhesion to glaucoma treatment. Multicenter Belgian Study. Study Centre : University Hospital of Liege. Principal investigator : Pr. T. Zeyen+Conferences :+Treat and Extend in neovascular AMD : Is it really the best regimen ? - Glem Liège - September 2019+Treat and Extend: Where do we stand - How to go forward - Regional educational meeting on the management of AMD, diabetic edema and edema secondary to retinal vein occlusions - Namur 2019 - By invitation of Novartis Pharmaceuticals+Uveal Effusion Syndrome - Continuing Medical Education in Ophthalmology - Liège - April 2018+Diabetic Macular Edema: Physiopathology and therapeutic options - Regional educational meeting on diabetic macular edema - Charleroi - April 2014 - On invitation of Novartis Pharmaceuticals+Vitreous and retinal pathologies: is there anything new? - Glem Namur - June 2010+Macular epiretinal membranes - Glem Namur - October 2009+Vitreoretinal complications of cataract surgery - Glem Liège - September 2009+Complications of anterior segment surgery - OB 2008 - BSONT - November 2008+Biologic therapies in age-related macular degeneration - Glem Namur - October 2008+Books:+Case Reports of DME & RVO patients treated with ranibizumab. Novartis Pharmaceuticals. Edition 2014. DME patient case 7 and RVO patient case 4.+Presentations at international congresses:+8th Michaelson Symposium - Ghent (Belgium) 8-11/06/05. Treatment of choroidal neovascularisation and submacular hemorrhage in age related macular degeneration with photodynamic therapy and intravitreal triamcinilone at high dose+S Barile, JM Ruiz-Moreno, JA Montero.+XXV Congreso Panamericano de Oftalmología - Santiago de Chile (Chile) 18-21/03/2005. Resultados del tratamiento combinado de terapia fotodinámica y triamcinolona intravitrea a alta dosis de la DMAE exudativa [Results of the combined treatment of exudative+AMD using PDT and high dose intravitreal triamcinolone injection]. JM Ruiz-Moreno, JA Montero, S Barile, P Schimchak-Ugartemendia +SOI (Società Oftalmologica Italiana) 2004 - Roma - Italy 24-27/11/04. Comparative study the retinal thickness in normal and diabetics patients: OCT vs RTA. S Barile, JM Ruiz-Moreno, J Montero, C De la Vega+EVER 2004 - Vilamoura - Portugal 24-27/09/04. Photodynamic therapy combined with intravitreal triamcinolone to treat CNV: preliminary results. JM Ruiz-Moreno, S Barile, J Montero+Publications+Phacoemulsification in the vitreous cavity for retained nuclear fragments. JM Ruiz Moreno, S Barile, JA Montero. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2006 Jan-Feb;16(1):40-5+Anterior chamber transit of triamcinolone after intravitreal injection. JM Ruiz Moreno, JA Montero, A Artola, S Barile. Arch Ophthalmol 2005 Jan;123(1):129-30+Diabetic Retinopathy. S Barile, F Van Cauwenberge, JM Rakic. Rev Med Liège 2005;60:5-6:487-489. Special number about diabetes mellitus+Current most important knwoledge about diabetic retinopathy. S Barile, E Duchateau, G Ancion, A Galand. Rev Med Liège 2001;56:10:709-715+Communications at international congresses:+Leuven Retina Meeting 2015 - Leuven - Belgium+About a case of hemispheric retinal vein occlusion treated with ranibizumab. Poster presentation. Exhibited at the Novartis stand. S Barile+ARVO 2010 - Fort Lauderdale - Florida - USA 2-6/05/2010. 25G Vitrectomy Reduces Early Post Operative Ocular Surface Discomfort and Corneal Epithelial Damage. Poster presentation. M De Zanet, S Barile, JM Rakic, C Fabiani+VIDEOMED 2008 - XVIII Certamen Internacional de Cine Médico, Salud y Telemedicina - Badajoz - Spain. Hidrófobo/hidróophilo: el punto de vista de un clínico [Hydrophobic/hydrophilic: a clinician's view]. Video presentation. A Galand, S Barile+XXV Congreso Panamericano de Oftalmología - Santiago de Chile (Chile) 18-21/03/2005. Eficacia del tratamiento preventivo del desprendimiento de retina en Lasik [Efficacy of laser preventive treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in Lasik]. S Barile, P Schimchak-Ugartemendia, A Artola-Roig, JM Ruiz Moreno, J Montero. Poster presentation+VIDEOMED 2004 - XIV Certamen Internacional de Cine Médico, Salud y Telemedicina - Badajoz (Spain) 22-27/11/2004. Implantación LIO multilink con inyector [Multilink IOL implantation with an injector device]. Video presentation. A Galand, S Barile+VIDEOMED 2004 - XIV Certamen Internacional de Cine Médico, Salud y Telemedicina - Badajoz (Spain) 22-27/11/2004. Capsulorhexis posterior paso a paso [Posterior capsulorhexis step by step]. Video presentation. A Galand, S Barile+EURETINA 2003 - Milano - Italy 13-15/05/2004. Retinal toxicity after macular hole surgery with indocyanine green-assisted internal limiting membrane peeling. Poster presentation. S Barile, JM Ruiz-Moreno, J Montero, M Tavolato+ASCRS 2002 - Posterior capsulorhexis step by step. Video presentation. Galand A, S Barile+Prize:+Best video in Ophthalmology. Videoprimaria 2005 - III Certamen Internacional de Video Médico - Vigo - Spain 21-25/11/05. Capsulorhexis posterior paso a paso [Posterior capsulorhexis step by step]. Video presentation. A Galand, S Barile, P Jamart
  • Principal investigator, VISION Study (CRFB002DBE02), An observational, open label, multicentre study of the effectiveness, safety and associated practice patterns in patients with diabetic macular oedema, branch retinal vein occlusion and pathologic myopia being treated with Lucentis (ranibizumab).
  • Co-investigator, Acrismart 36A IOL, Acri.Tec Laboratory. Study of a new aspherical IOL for MICS implantation. Multicenter International Study. Study centre: VISSUM – Instituto Oftalmológico de Alicante. Principal investigator: Pr. JL Alió y Sanz
  • Principal investigator, LUMINOUS Study (CRFB002EBE01), Study to observe the effectiveness and safety of ranibizumab through individualised patient treatment and associated outcomes, Novartis Pharmaceuticals. Multicenter International Study, ongoing.
  • Co-investigator, TECNIS Z9000 IOL, AMO Laboratory. Study of a new aspherical IOL. Multicenter International Study. Study Centre: VISSUM – Instituto Oftalmológico de Alicante. Principal investigator: Dr. JL Rodriguez-Prats
  • Co-investigator, EyeTech Study 1005, anti-VEGF aptamer Macugen (pegaptanib sodium) for diabetic macular edema. Multicenter International Study. Study Centre: VISSUM – Instituto Oftalmológico de Alicante. Principal investigator: Dr. JM Ruiz Moreno
  • Co-investigator, EyeTech Study 1003, anti-VEGF aptamer Macugen (pegaptanib sodium) for CNV in AMD. Multicenter International Study. Study center: VISSUM – Instituto Oftalmológico de Alicante. Principal investigator: Dr. JM Ruiz Moreno
  • Co-investigator, BCSO: Belgian Compliance Study in Ophthalmology, Adhesion to glaucoma treatment. Multicenter Belgian Study. Study Centre : Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège. Principal investigator : Pr. T. Zeyen
  • Conférences :
  • Treat and Extend in neovascular AMD : Is it really the best regimen ? – Glem Liège – Septembre 2019
  • Treat and Extend : Where do we stand – How to go forward – Rencontre éducative régionale sur la prise en charge de la DMLA, de l’œdème diabétique et de l’oedème secondaire aux occlusions veineuses rétiniennes – Namur 2019 – Sur invitation de Novartis Pharmaceuticals
  • Le Syndrome d’Effusion Uvéale – Formation médicale continue en Ophtalmologie – Liège – Avril 2018
  • Œdème maculaire diabétique : physiopathologie et options thérapeutiques – Rencontre éducative régionale sur l’ œdème maculaire diabétique – Charleroi – Avril 2014 – Sur invitation de Novartis Pharmaceuticals
  • Vitré et pathologies rétiniennes: y a-t-il du nouveau ? – Glem Namur – Juin 2010
  • Membranes épirétiniennes maculaires – Glem Namur – Octobre 2009
  • Case Reports of DME & RVO patients treated with ranibizumab. Novartis Pharmaceuticals. Edition 2014. DME patient case 7 and RVO patient case 4.
  • Complications vitréo-rétiniennes de la chirurgie de la cataracte – Glem Liège – Septembre 2009
  • Complications de la chirurgie du segment antérieur – OB 2008 – BSONT – Novembre 2008
  • Présentations à des congrès internationaux :
  • Les thérapies biologiques dans la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge – Glem Namur – Octobre 2008
  • Livres :
  • 8th Michaelson Symposium – Ghent (Belgium) 8-11/06/05. Treatment of choroidal néovascularisation and submacular hemorrhage in age related macular degeneration with photodynamic therapy and intravitreal triamcinilone at high dose
  • S Barile, JM Ruiz-Moreno, JA Montero.
  • XXV Congreso Panamericano de Oftalmología – Santiago de Chile (Chile) 18-21/03/2005. Resultados del tratamiento combinado de terapia fotodinámica y triamcinolona intravitrea a alta dosis de la DMAE exudativa [Results of the combined treatment of exudative
  • AMD using PDT and high dose intravitreal triamcinolone injection]. JM Ruiz-Moreno, JA Montero, S Barile, P Schimchak-Ugartemendia.
  • SOI (Società Oftalmologica Italiana) 2004 – Roma – Italy 24-27/11/04. Comparative study the retinal thickness in normal and diabetics patients: OCT vs RTA. S Barile, JM Ruiz-Moreno, J Montero, C De la Vega
  • EVER 2004 – Vilamoura – Portugal 24-27/09/04. Photodynamic therapy combined with intravitreal triamcinolone to treat CNV: preliminary results. JM Ruiz-Moreno, S Barile, J Montero
  • Publications
  • Phacoemulsification in the vitreous cavity for retained nuclear fragments. JM Ruiz Moreno, S Barile, JA Montero. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2006 Jan-Feb;16(1):40-5
  • Anterior chamber transit of triamcinolone after intravitreal injection. JM Ruiz Moreno, JA Montero, A Artola, S Barile. Arch Ophthalmol 2005 Jan;123(1):129-30
  • La rétinopathie diabétique [Diabetic Retinopathy]. S Barile, F Van Cauwenberge, JM Rakic. Rev Med Liège 2005;60:5-6:487-489. Special number about diabetes mellitus
  • Principales notions actuelles sur la rétinopathie diabétique [Current most important knwoledge about diabetic retinopathy]. S Barile, E Duchateau, G Ancion, A Galand. Rev Med Liège 2001;56:10:709-715
  • Communications à des congrès internationaux :
  • Leuven Retina Meeting 2015 – Leuven – Belgium
  • About a case of hemispheric retinal vein occlusion treated with ranibizumab. Poster presentation. Exhibited at the Novartis stand. S Barile
  • ARVO 2010 – Fort Lauderdale – Florida – USA 2-6/05/2010. 25G Vitrectomy Reduces Early Post Operative Ocular Surface Discomfort and Corneal Epithelial Damage. Poster presentation. M De Zanet, S Barile, JM Rakic, C Fabiani
  • VIDEOMED 2008 – XVIII Certamen Internacional de Cine Médico, Salud y Telemedicina – Badajoz – Spain. Hidrófobo/hidróophilo: el punto de vista de un clínico [Hydrophobic/hydrophilic: a clinician’s view]. Video presentation. A Galand, S Barile
  • XXV Congreso Panamericano de Oftalmología – Santiago de Chile (Chile) 18-21/03/2005. Eficacia del tratamiento preventivo del desprendimiento de retina en Lasik [Efficacy of laser preventive treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in Lasik]. S Barile, P Schimchak-Ugartemendia, A Artola-Roig, JM Ruiz Moreno, J Montero. Poster presentation
  • VIDEOMED 2004 – XIV Certamen Internacional de Cine Médico, Salud y Telemedicina – Badajoz (Spain) 22-27/11/2004. Implantación LIO multilink con inyector [Multilink IOL implantation with an injector device]. Video presentation. A Galand, S Barile
  • VIDEOMED 2004 – XIV Certamen Internacional de Cine Médico, Salud y Telemedicina – Badajoz (Spain) 22-27/11/2004. Capsulorhexis posterior paso a paso [Posterior capsulorhexis step by step]. Video presentation. A Galand, S Barile
  • EURETINA 2003 – Milano – Italy 13-15/05/2004. Retinal toxicity after macular hole surgery with indocyanine green-assisted internal limiting membrane peeling. Poster presentation.. S Barile, JM Ruiz-Moreno, J Montero, M Tavolato
  • ASCRS 2002 – Posterior capsulorhexis step by step. Video presentation. Galand A, S Barile
  • Prix :
  • Best video in Ophthalmology. Videoprimaria 2005 – III Certamen Internacional de Video Médico – Vigo – Spain 21-25/11/05. Capsulorhexis posterior paso a paso [Posterior capsulorhexis step by step]. Video presentation. A Galand, S Barile, P Jamart


What is the address of Doctor Stéfano Barile?

Doctor Stéfano Barile is located at Avenue de L'Hòpital 1 in Liège.

Is Doctor Stéfano Barile accepting new patients?
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What languages does practitioner Stéfano Barile speak?
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