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Coralie Courtois Physiotherapist | doctoranytime Coralie Courtois Physiotherapist | doctoranytime
License number: 13810848527

Coralie Courtois

Physiotherapist in Gembloux

    • Coralie COURTOIS - Cabinet Kinésithérapie Bossière, Gembloux, Region of Namur
    • Coralie COURTOIS - Centre Hauméa, Chaussée de Charleroi 79, Gembloux, Region of Namur
    • Margot VANDENBOSCH - Cabinet Kinésithérapie Bossière, Bossière, Region of Namur
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Coralie Courtois is a physiotherapist specializing in pre-natal perineology, post-natal perineology and gynecology, with 10 years of experience. postpōst Traductions de post VerbeFréquence poster post, poster, mail, station, position inscrire enroll, list, inscribe, book, mark, post envoyer par la poste mail, post, frank courir la poste post prendre le courrier post Nom laposte position, post, station, job, mail, item lecourrier mail, courier, letters, post, epistle lepoteau post, pole, stake, signpost, standard, spar lepieu stake, post, pale, paling, doss lemontant amount, sum, post, rising, upright, size lecomptoir counter, bar, post lasituation situation, position, location, status, context, post Définitions de post- Verbe 1 send (a letter or parcel) via the postal system. However, he said that, despite the return address in Pakistan, the letter had been posted in Germany. Synonymes: mailsend (off)put in the mail Nom 1 a position of paid employment; a job. In July it was estimated that at least 400 teacher and teaching assistant posts will be lost in the Yorkshire region over the next year because of cash shortages. Synonymes: jobpositionappointmentsituationplacevacancyopening Adverbe 1 with haste. come now, come post Préposition 1 subsequent to; after. Préfixe 1 after in time or order. postoperative 10 autres définitions Exemples de post Customers could set their watches by the times their post was delivered and the service they received was second to none. 29 autres exemples Synonymes de post Verbe mailsend toput on dutyrecordaffixannouncecarryput upstationbrandsendstake Nom jobmail(assigned) positionpolespotstationpostal servicestakemilitary post 56 autres synonymes

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

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  • Consultation cancer du sein et onco-gynécologique From €28 up to €36
  • générale From €28 up to €36
  • Lymphatic drainage From €28 up to €40
  • Microkinesitherapy From 60€
  • Pediatric consultation From €28 up to €36
  • Perineal rehabilitation From €28 up to €36
  • Post-natal rehabilitation From €28 up to €36
  • Prenatal / Childbirth preparation From €28 up to €36
  • Sports injury From €28 up to €36
  • View more View less



  • Master in physiotherapy in 2009 at the Catholic University of Louvain

Professional experience

  • Clinics of Europe, Saint Michel site Ixelles private practice Bossière private practice

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French


What is the address of the health professional Coralie Courtois?

Coralie COURTOIS - Cabinet Kinésithérapie Bossière in Gembloux is the address of the practitioner Coralie Courtois.

Is the Coralie Courtois health professional accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Coralie Courtois accept?
What languages does the Coralie Courtois health professional speak?
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