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    • Rue du châtelain 6B , Saint-Gilles, Region Brussels
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Pediatric physiotherapist and Bobath therapist. I have always been passionate about the field of early childhood and I am convinced of the precious link between the body, the emotional and the cognitive. I have worked for more than 12 years in the field of neuro-motor development in private and in hospital settings. I carry out developmental consultations for babies with tone, movement, posture, sensory and relational disorders and also in the neonatology department.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

Access Information

    • Rue du châtelain 6B , Saint-Gilles, Region Brussels
  • Parking

    • No parking available


  • Back Problem
  • General consultation
  • Lumbago
  • Rehabilitation
  • Sports injury



  • Autonomous University of Barcelona: Degree in physiotherapy

Professional experience

  • Bobath neuro-pediatric physiotherapy and young child development, Office of Bénédicte Guislain

Organisations member

  • Kinepedia Belgium (Association for the promotion and defense of pediatric physiotherapy), Axxon (Representative association of physiotherapists in Belgium), ABBV (BOBATH Belgian Association)

Participation in conferences

  • Congres européen de kinésithérapie pédiatrique.
  • Les samedis de la néuro-pédiatrie. ULB

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish

Academic Research and Publications

  • Participation dans la recherche autour de la maturation neurophysiologique des enfants présentant une grande prématurité en lien avec un programme de stimulation ayant pour but de favoriser le développement cérébrale en proposant a l'enfant des expériences varies du mouvement en interaction avec les parents dans un contexte de plaisir, au rythme de l'enfant.


What is the address of the practitioner Mireia Tremosa?

The address of the practitioner Mireia Tremosa is localized at Rue du châtelain 6B in Saint-Gilles.

Is the Mireia Tremosa practitioner accepting new patients?
What languages does the Mireia Tremosa practitioner speak?
Is the Mireia Tremosa health professional a member of any associations?
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