Holding a Master's degree in Physical Therapy since 2015 at Parnasse University, Olivier Seys is a licensed physical therapist with experience in his field. This experience has allowed him to prove himself and to gain the confidence of several patients who do not hesitate to recommend him. He is specialized in Sports Physiotherapy, Manual Therapy and G.D.S. Muscle Chains. Olivier Seys has also researched nutrition and attended several conferences in order to keep abreast of developments in the field. Thus, he has taken part in conferences on Chronic Pain Management, Global Postural Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Microbiota. He is also an active member of the association "Union des Kinésithérapeutes de Belgique". You can find him in the DYNAMIC SANTE practice in Wauthier-Braine or in the KINEFIX practice in Wezembeek-Oppem.