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[Agreed] Holder of a diploma in physiotherapy, I am specialized in musculoskeletal with a master's degree supplemented by a university certificate in manual therapy. Anxious to help you as best as possible, I do everything I can to adapt the support according to your needs and objectives. I treat all neuro-musculoskeletal disorders (pain or discomfort, limitation of mobility, post-operative rehabilitation (knee, hip, shoulder prosthesis, arthrodesis, etc.) or following trauma) and orofacial disorders (jaw pain, bruxism, headaches, jaw lock, tinnitus, facial paralysis, etc.). Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. You can make an appointment directly on this site or on +32 493 93 78 70 I work in 3 different practices, therefore be sure to select the correct address: 1. Waterloo (Schuman Paramedical Center) consultations are on Tuesdays and Fridays ; 2. Rixensart (Centre Plurix) consultations are Monday mornings and Thursdays; 3. Eghezée (Santé 76) consultations are on Wednesdays.

  • License number: 5-49269-42-527
The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


Relative Experience

  • General
  • TMJ (Temporo Mandibular Joint)
  • Manual therapy
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Neck problems
  • Back problems
  • Post traumatic and postoperative rehabilitation
63 patients' recommendations


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

Also handles cases of children up to 12 years old

Patient Reviews

From 63 reviews
Cleanliness of the practice
Clear information on the pathology
Clear information on the side effects

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  • Payment Methods

    • Cash
    • Payconiq

    Appointment Policy

    • Payment at the practice

      During your visit, you can select the payment method of your choice from the options mentioned above.

    • Cancellation

      You can always cancel up to 24 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.



  • La Clinique Du Coureur, 1.2. Traitements des blessures du membre inférieur (2024)
  • UCL, CUTM-MS : Certificat universitaire en thérapie manuelle orthopédique (musculo-squelettique) (2023 - 2024)
  • Forthema, Thérapie myo fonctionnelle orofaciale et SAHOS de l'adulte (2023)
  • La Clinique Du Coureur, 1.1 Diagnostics des blessures en course à pied (2023)
  • Kiné2.0, Prévention, diagnostic et prise en charge des pubalgies (2022)
  • Master complémentaire, UCL, Kinésithérapie musculo-squelettique (2022 - 2023)
  • UCL, Bachelier et master en kinésithérapie et réadaptation (2017 - 2022)

Professional experience

  • Remplacement kinésithérapeute en cervico-maxillo-facial (indépendante), Cliniques universitaires Saint Luc, Belgique (2023)
  • Remplacement kinésithérapeute en cervico-maxillo-facial (indépendante), Cliniques universitaires Saint Luc, Belgique (2022)
  • Kinésithérapeute indépendante, Centre Paramédical Schuman, Belgique (2023 - Présent)
  • Kinésithérapeute indépendante, Centre Plurix, Belgique (2023 - 2024)
  • Kinésithérapeute indépendante, Santé 76, Belgique (2023 - 2025)
  • Kinésithérapeute cervico-maxillo-faciale (indépendante), Physicab (2024)

Organisations member

  • Société Scientifique Francophone de Kinésithérapie (SSFK) (2022 - Présent)

Participation in conferences

  • 9e édition des Journées Francophones de la Kinésithérapie, Société Française de Physiothérapie (2023)
  • Webinaires, Société Scientifique Francophone de Kinésithérapie (SSFK) (2022)
  • Congrès, La Clinique Du Coureur (2023)

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French

Academic research and publications

  • Les effets du Kinesio Taping sur les performances musculaires d'adultes sains actifs ou sportifs : Une revue narrative systématisée, UCLouvain (2022)
  • Où en est la littérature quant à l’utilisation de l’ecological momentary assessment dans l’évaluation et la prise en charge du bruxisme diurne ? Une scoping review, UCLouvain (2023)


  • What is the address of the practitioner Rose Van Cauter?

    The address of the health professional Rose Van Cauter is Avenue Adolphe Schattens 27 in Waterloo.

Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Rose Van Cauter and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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Our objective is : to allow you to understand what the data you are giving us is used for ,how we protect them and to inform you about your rights and how them to exercise.

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  • doctoranytime does not sell nor reveals in any way the personal data which it collects about the user in third parties
  • doctoranytime does not sell nor reveals in any way the personal data which it collects about the user in third parties
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