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One of the best of his generation, Dr. Christophe Zirak has had a unique personal and professional experience. After his high school studies at the Lycée Janson de Sailly in Paris, he moved to the flat country in order to perpetuate the family tradition by becoming a Doctor. He obtained with honor the title of Doctor of Medicine in 2002 and the title of Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery in 2008 with good distinction. He worked at the Brugmann University Hospital until the beginning of 2015 as Assistant Head of Clinic. He was in charge of aesthetic surgery and medicine, reconstructive surgery and microsurgery, post-bariatric surgery (post-obesity) and hand surgery. During this period, he carried out numerous studies that have resulted in international publications. He organized the Brussels Microsurgery Course, seminars and workshops, as well as the BRA Days (Breast Reconstructive Awareness Days). His taste for teaching led him logically to accept to be a lecturer at the Inter-University Diploma of Chronic Wound Care and at the Francisco Ferrer High School as well as for the Nurses in Aesthetic Care. Afterwards, he was representative of Belgium and examiner at the European Board Of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (2012-2014) of which he is also a member. Finally, since 2015, he is Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery at the Molière-Longchamp Hospital. He also consults and operates at the Delta Hospital (CHIREC). On a personal level, bathed in two secular cultures and coming from a family of doctors and academics, Dr. Zirak has developed an impressive capacity to listen. His great, almost feminine sensitivity and his academic rigor allow him to understand the needs of his patients and to respond to them in the best possible way. Moreover, her ability to use her expertise in the fields of medicine, cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery allows her to propose various therapeutic options. These options are best adapted to each type of patient, with the goal of enhancing their beauty and obtaining or restoring harmony to their body.

  • License number: 18940437
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Relative Experience

  • Aesthetic surgery
  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Plastic surgery
22 patients' recommendations


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  • Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

Professional experience

  • CHU Brugmann+ Hospital Delta+ Hospital Molière+ Centre Europe Lambermont+ Centre de Médecine spécialisée de Forest
  • Hôpital Delta
  • Hôpital d'Ixelles, Hôpital général
  • Centre Europe Lambermont
  • Centre de Médecine spécialisée de Forest
  • Rhode Clinic, Clinique privée (2022)

Organisations member


Participation in conferences

  • Belgian Society of Aesthetic Medicine.(04/16/2016): Botulinum toxin and the anatomy of the+face. Ch. Zirak.+Belgian Society of Aesthetic Medicine (15/04/2016): Anatomy of the face and its+aging. Ch. Zirak.+Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery (10/05/2014): Long term side effect after+Hyaluronic Acid injection. Ch. Zirak.+Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery (27/04/2013): Mucous cyst, a rare complication+of rhinoplasty Ch. Zirak.+24th International Society of Lymphology Congress: Rome (16-20 September 2013):+Preliminary study of the wearing circular or flat knitting arm sleeves on hemodynamic+outcomes during a caused experimental edema of the upper limb. Pasrouret F,+Anciello-Taffanel M, Leduc O, Zirak C, Hubar I.+European Board of Plastic Surgery: Innsbruck (21/11/2012): Congenital Breast anomalies+(course). Ch. Zirak.+European Board of Plastic Surgery: Innsbruck (21/11/2012): Moderator of session+"oncological".+Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery (10/11/2012): Intraneural hematoma after lower+limb injury. Ch. Zirak.+SOFCPRE: Bordeaux (8-9/06/2012): Cryopreservation for the reconstruction by+transplantation of limited hand defects. Ch. Zirak.+Brussels Hand/Upper Limb International Symposium. Genval (28/01/2012):+Cryopreservation for the reconstruction by transplantation of limited hand defects.+Ch. Zirak.+Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery 30/04/2011: Session moderator+"lymphatics".+Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery 30/04/2011: Brachytherapy and free flap+reconstruction for long-standing and recurrent facial keloid. V. Marron Mendes, L.+Vandermeeren, Ch. Zirak, P. Van Houtte, A. De Mey, W. Boeckx.+Newtec 2010. Cosmipolis Clinic Bruges (15-16/10/2010): Moderator for the session "Fat Grafting in the Face "+BEFEWO (Belgian federation of wound care) 2010. Brussels (12/10/2010): Wounds+of the Face. Ch. Zirak +Third TIPRAS Association. Cap Ferret (4-6/06/2010): La Reconstruction Mammaire.+Ch. Zirak.+19th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. Gothenburg,+Sweden (6-10/10/10): Mimicry of head and neck acneiform lesions by+pseudoxanthoma elasticum. T. Metz, W.B. Fink, J. André, C. Zirak, P. Vereecken+ AMGA Annual Congress. Brussels (27/01/2010) : Aesthetic Surgery: myth and+reality. Ch. Zirak +Wound Care Congress of the CHU Brugmann. Brussels (09/01/2010) : Surgical+management of wounds. (organizer and speaker).+European Burns Association 2009. Lausanne (02-05/09/09): Indications For Free Flaps in+Burns Reconstructions W. Boeckx, Ch. Zirak, D. Franck, A. De Mey.+EUROHAND 2008 - XIIIth Congress of the FESSH - IXth Congress of the EFSHT+Lausanne (19-21/06/08): Free temporalis fascia as a treatment for wrist ankylosis.+Ch. Zirak.+First TIPRAS association. Lausanne (14-17/03/08): The Propeller Concept: Perforator-+based flap for soft tissue coverage of the distal lower extremity. Ch. Zirak.+2007 European Symposium Skin Regeneration. Juan Les Pins (25-26/10/2007):+Reconstruction of Aplasia Cutis Congenita using a dermal regeneration template. Paris (10/03/07): Reflections on the use of tendon and osteotendinous allotransplants for long finger reconstruction+(first prize) Rousvoal A, Zirak C, Casoli V, Bakhach J, Guimberteau JC.+Brussels International Symposium. Genval (04/02/2007): Human Vascularized Allograft+of Digital Osteo-Tendinous Complex. Cadaveric dissection. Preliminary Report.+Ch. Zirak.+SOFCPRE. Marseille (13/11/2006): Reconstruction of an Aplasia Cutis Congenita by artificial du+dermis. Ch. Zirak +SOFCPRE. Marseille (13/11/2006): Atypical cause of forearm ulceration in a leukemic child: Mucormycosis. Ch. Zirak + Royal Belgian Society of Plastic Surgery. Tenneville (06/05/2006): Reconstruction of+Aplasia Cutis Congenita using a dermal regeneration template.+A. Cherchel, C. Zirak, C. Dangoisse, A. De Mey+30th BELAPS anniversary meeting. Bergamo (1-2/10/04): Laparoscopic partial+splenectomy for congenital cyst with use of radiofrequency.+K. K. Khelif, C. Zirak, M. Dassonville.+Benelux Meeting of Plastic Surgery. Affligem (23/11/2002): Case report. Atypical+cause of forearm skin ulceration in a leukaemic child: Mucormycosis. Ch. Zirak +AMUB meeting. Mons (13/06/02): Adenocarcinoma of the pouch after Silastic-Ring-+Vertical-Gastroplasty. Case report and review of the literature. Ch. Zirak.+ORGANIZATION CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS+ - Training in Plastic Surgery: CHIREC (2015-2016): Evolution of surgical techniques; wound monitoring. Organizer and Speaker ;+ - Management of chronic wounds: Molière (2015-2016): Organizer and Speaker ;+ - Surgery Day: Ixelles (09/10/2015): Novelties in Plastic Surgery. Speaker ;+ - Breast Reconstruction Awarness Day at Brugmann University Hospital (2012-2015): Organizer and Speaker ;+ - Microsurgery Course at Brugmann University Hospital (2008-2015): Organizer and Instructor ;+ - European Board of Plastic Surgery: Innsbruck (21/11/2012): Moderator of "oncological" session ;+ - European Board of Plastic Surgery: Innsbruck (21/11/2012): Congenital Breast anomalies. Instructor ;+ - Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery (30/04/2011): Moderator of session "lymphatics" ;+ - Newtec 2010. Cosmipolis Clinic Bruges (15-16/10/2010): Moderator of session "Fat grafting in the face" ;+ - 1st Brugmann University Hospital Congress on Wound Care (09/01/2010) : Organizer and Speaker ;+ - Workshop Botulinum Toxin and Hyaluronic Acid (December 2009) : Instructor+SEMINARS WITHIN THE ULB NETWORK.+ * Non surgical facial rejuvenation. (seminar of Plastic Surgery of the CHU+Brugmann) (May 2014) ;+ * Surgical management of chronic lymphedema (seminar of Surgery of the CHU+Brugmann) (February 2014) ;+ * Breast reconstruction. (Surgery seminar at Brugmann University Hospital) (March 2013); + * Post-bariatric surgery (Surgery seminar at Brugmann University Hospital) (April 2011); + * Aesthetic medicine and surgery (Surgery seminar at Brugmann University Hospital) (April 2010); + * Workshop on Botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid (Allergan®). Instructor (December 2009);+ * Dupuytren's disease (Orthopedic Service seminar) (September 2009);+ * Role of the sentinel lymph node in the management of melanoma (Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery Service. (Department of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery. Brugmann University Hospital) (October 2007);+ * Ballistic trauma of the face and therapeutic means. (Department of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery. CHU Saint Pierre) (March 2007) ;+ * Grafts and flaps (Service of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery. CHU Brugmann) (October 2005) ;+ * Tenosynovitis of Quervain (Service of Orthopedic Surgery CHU Brugmann) ;+ * Reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee (Service of Surgery+Orthopedic. CHU Ambroise-Paré. Mons). (October 2001).

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French

Academic research and publications

  • Brachioplasty a superficialization procedure of brachial arteriovenous access for hemodialysis after weight loss: A novel approach. Vrancken C, Farid Y, Zirak C, De Quin I, Dernier Y. J Vasc Access. 2019 May;20(3):337-338. doi: 10.1177/1129729818811806. Epub 2018 Nov 20.+ Free intra-osseous muscle transfer for treatment of chronic osteomyelitis. Lê Thua TH1, Boeckx WD, Zirak C, De Mey A. J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2015 Jun 10:1-5. [Epub ahead of print]+ Short time effect of radiotherapy on lymphatic vessels and restorative lymphatic pathways.+Experimental approach on a mice model. Pastouret F, Lievens P, Leduc O, Bourgeois P, Tournel K, Lamote J, Zirak C, Leduc A. Lymphology. 2014 Jun;47(2):92-100.+ Secondary nerve lengthening to obtain full knee extension in popliteal pterygium+syndrome. Boeckx W, Misani M, Vandermeeren L, Franck D, Zirak C, De Mey A.J. Reconstr. microsurg. 2014 May; 30(4):235-40. Doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1354735.+ Preliminary study of the wearing circular or flat knitting arm sleeves on hemodynamic+outcomes during a caused experimental edema of the upper limb, Edition: 24th International Society of Lymphology Congress (Rome, Italy), Lymphology, ISBN-+ISSN: 0024-7766, 2013, F. Pastouret, M. Anciello-Taffanel, O. Leduc, C.Zirak, I.Hubar.+Pastouret F, Meers W, Anciello-Taffanel M, Eloy C, Zirak C. Importance of therapeutic stocking sheaths in the treatment of secondary upper extremity lymphedema after breast cancer. UPBTO issue 60, October 2013, pp: 6-15.+ Cherchel A, Zirak C, De Mey A. The humeral origin of the brachioradialis muscle: an unusual site of high radial nerve compression. JPRAS 2013 Nov; 66(11): e325-7. Doi: 10.1016/bjps.2013.04.023. Epub 2013 May 2.+ Misani M, Zirak C, Hau LT, De Mey A, Boeckx W. Release of hand burn contracture: comparing the ALT Perforator Flap with the Gracilis Free Flap with Split Skin Graft. Burns. 2013 Aug;39(5):965-71. doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2012.12.007. Epub 2013 Mar 20.+ R. Matasa, C. Zirak, P.M. da Costa, A. De Mey, W. Boeckx. Massive panniculectomy and hernioplasty as a salvage procedure. Eur Surg 2013 45:230-234. (DOI) 10.1007/s10353-013-0194-z+ A. De Mey, D. Franck, C. Zirak. Vertical Mammaplasty for Breast Reduction and Mastopexy. Surgery of the Breast. Principles and Art. ed. Scott L. Spear. 3rd ed. Wolters Kluwer. Philadelphia 2011. PP: 1016-1024.+ Casoli V, Rousvoal A, Zirak C, Bakhach J, Guimberteau JC. [Composite digital allotransplants: surgical technique and different applications]. Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 2007 Oct;52(5):459-66. Epub 2007 Jul 26. French.+C. Zirak, J.P. Brutus, A. De Mey. Atypical cause of forearm skin ulceration in a leukaemic child: Mucormycosis. A case report. Acta Chir Belg, 2005 Sep-Oct; 105(5):551-553.+ J.P. Brutus , G. Lamraski, C. Zirak, J.P. Hauzeur, J.P. Thys, F. Schuind. Septic monoarthritis of the first carpo-metacarpal joint caused by Mycobacterium Kansasii. Chir main. 2005 Feb; 24(1): 52-4.+ Zirak C, Lemaitre J, Lebrun E, Journé S, Carlier P. Adenocarcinoma of the pouch after silastic-ring-vertical-gastroplasty. Case report and review of the literature. Obes Surg. 2002 Oct; 12(5): 693-4.+ BOOK CHAPTER - Vertical Mammaplasty for Breast Reduction and Mastopexy. A. De Mey, D. Franck, C. Zirak Surgery of the Breast. Principles and Art. ed. Scott L. Spear. 3rd ed. Wolters Kluwer. Philadelphia 2011. PP : 1016-1024.+ MEDICAL STUDY MEMORY: (06/2002)+Evolution of hearing in children with cleft lip and palate surgery (Grand Distinction) Zirak, De Mey, Mansbach, Mélot.


  • What is the address of practitioner Christophe Zirak?

    The address of Dr. Christophe Zirak is Boulevard du Triomphe 201 in Auderghem.

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