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Alexandra Franquet Psychologist | doctoranytime Alexandra Franquet Psychologist | doctoranytime
    • Rue Ernest Cosse 3, Court-Saint-Etienne, Walloon Brabant
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The psychologist Alexandra Franquet has a degree in psychology there is this 10 years. Passionate about human relationships and transformations which the human faces throughout life she gets to the Heklore center for all psychology relationship. There are a few years, she discovered phénothérapie, a therapeutic support which integrates various approaches (systemic analysis approach of C. G. Jung, psychosomatic) and invites everyone to discover his impulses and authenticity. It supports now the people in the meeting and the transformation of their difficulties and the awareness of their riches. The frequency of meetings is decided by the patient according to his needs Sessions can be a partial refund (to do with the health care reimbursement agency). Consultations on weekdays and Saturdays.
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Access Information

    • Rue Ernest Cosse 3, Court-Saint-Etienne, Walloon Brabant
  • Parking

    • Easy parking

Payment Methods

    • Cash


  • Couple Therapy

    Unavailable cost. Send a price request and you will receive an e-mail as soon as the doctor answers!

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  • Individual Session Adult

    Unavailable cost. Send a price request and you will receive an e-mail as soon as the doctor answers!

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  • UMons - Master en Sciences psychologiques - Grande distinction Université Paris Descartes - Suicidologie Intgrativa - Certificat Praticien EMDR Institut Narration - Certificat Thérapie brève de couple

Professional experience

  • Chargée de projet - Association pour l'Innovation en Orthopedagogie (en abrégé AIO) Université de Mons Psychologue - HEKLORE CENTRE DE THERAPIES Conceptrice de formations - Intercommunale Sociale du Brabant wallon Coordinatrice pédagogique - Milieu d'a

Spoken languages

  • French

Academic Research and Publications

  • Belgique francophone: des aménagements vers une inclusion scolaire "raisonnable"? Revue suisse de pédagogie spécialisée June 1, 2020
  • L'évaluation dans les systèmes scolaires : Chapitre 1 (V.Dupriez, A. Franquet) L’évaluation dans les systèmes scolaires : au-delà d’un effet miroir ? de Boeck 2013
  • (S’) orienter dans l’enseignement secondaire technique et professionnel en Communauté française de Belgique : la part du choix. L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle December 31, 2010


What is the address of the health professional Alexandra Franquet?

The address of the health professional Alexandra Franquet is situated at Rue Ernest Cosse 3 in Court-Saint-Etienne.

Is the Alexandra Franquet health professional accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Alexandra Franquet accept?
What languages does the Alexandra Franquet health professional speak?
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Alexandra Franquet