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Lore Deceuninck Psychologist | doctoranytime Lore Deceuninck Psychologist | doctoranytime
License number: 892112679

Lore Deceuninck

Psychologist in Kortrijk

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I work as a psychologist in the group practice, Primrose, located in Kortrijk. Together with my fellow psychologists we combine our knowledge and skills to assist our clients and their environment from various angles. As a team we try to share our experiences and knowledge with each other. Therefore, we discuss on a regular basis. In practice, I am responsible for the supervision of young people (aged 14), adolescents and adults with emotional, psychological and social problems. You can contact me if you experience anxiety, both specific fears (eg. Fear of open spaces) and a general feeling of fear or anxiety which is not immediately clear what precisely is the source of this fear. I also work around depression. Furthermore, I support people dealing with eenidentiteitscrisis. Who am I? How do I get in life? You can also contact me if you are experiencing psychosomatic symptoms. Body and spirit, we can not separate from one another. Sometimes the body reacts true spirit overflows. Furthermore, I guide people who (have) to metfysiek, verbal or sexual violence. The length of sessions depends on the demand of the client, the complaint and the intensity of the complaint. When deemed necessary is referred. On our website you can find information about the team, the operation and for whom we can do something. If you have questions or would like information, please do not hesitate to contact us. The praktijkis located in the Condédreef 12, 8500 Kortrijk, and is therefore very easy to reach. Parking is free.
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  • Master in de klinische psychologie (Ugent)
  • Permanente vorming psychoanalyse volwassenen (Ugent)
  • Studiedagen en workshops

Professional experience

  • Bijzondere jeugdzorgvoorziening MFC Meetjesland te Bassevelde PC Caritas afdeling De Branding (For-k) te Melle Bijzondere jeugdzorgvoorziening Sint-Jan-Baptist te Gent Dominiek Savio Instituut te Gits (voorziening voor mensen met een beperking)
  • PC Caritas afdeling De Branding (For-k) te Melle
  • Bijzondere jeugdzorgvoorziening Sint-Jan-Baptist te Gent
  • Dominiek Savio Instituut te Gits (voorziening voor mensen met een beperking)

Organisations member

  • Belgische Federatie van Psychologen (BFP)
  • Vlaamse Vereniging van Klinische Psychologen (VVKP)
  • Psychologencommissie: Erkenningsnummer 892112679
  • Lid van vzw Donorkind

Spoken languages

  • English
  • Dutch


What is the address of the health professional Lore Deceuninck?

The address of the health professional Lore Deceuninck is Condédreef 12 in Kortrijk.

Is the Lore Deceuninck health professional accepting new patients?
What payment methods does Lore Deceuninck accept?
What languages does the Lore Deceuninck health professional speak?
Is the Lore Deceuninck health professional a member of any associations?
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