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Sille Moens Psychologist | doctoranytime Sille Moens Psychologist | doctoranytime
License number: 782110793
    • Rue de Fétinne 14, 4020 Liège, Liège, Region Liege
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Philosophy: I am oriented towards cognitive-behavioral therapy. What does that mean ? I assume that the way you think has an impact on your emotional life and what you do. And vice versa: the way you act sometimes also largely determines how you feel. Through cognitive behavioral therapy, you learn to control and, if necessary, change your behavior through awareness. So it is important to understand your way of thinking. This is done through conversations and sometimes by doing exercises, experiments at home. The end goal is always to learn how to better manage your emotional problems, such as fear, anger, sadness or guilt. During therapy, we sometimes try to understand certain past events. Can these explain today's ideas and/or behaviors? Through training during the consultation, in real life and all kinds of home exercises and experiments, you gradually achieve new thoughts and different, more positive behavior. What do I expect from you? This type of therapy makes you the actor of your own thought process, behavior and life. You are an active partner in the therapeutic process. We work together, you participate in the reflection and you are ready to invest time in your own process outside of therapy sessions. What can you expect from me? I am described as having an authentic, sincere, warm, caring and empathetic personality. However, being warm and empathetic doesn't take away from the fact that I generally share my thoughts and assumptions truthfully. You can expect a warm but direct style from me, with all sorts of tips and techniques to try at home. So you are ready to try new things. Walking therapy For those who do not have time for physical activity, it is also possible to opt for walking therapy (in the Boverie park). The first consultation always takes place at the office. After clarifying your needs, we opt for walking therapy, combined or not with in-office sessions. Depending on your needs, preferences and progress, these methods can be alternated. Usual patient population: People with relationship difficulties, victims of perfectionism, low self-esteem, sleep problems, overwork or burn-out, dependence on addictive substances, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, post-traumatic stress , depression, obsessive-compulsive behavior. Children and adults (gifted), people with questions about autism. Videoconference consultations possible. I work in French, Dutch and English. Experience: I worked for 10 years supporting people with high potential. After my master's studies in clinical psychology, I continued to train. I have followed specific training on perfectionism, lack of self-esteem, sleep problems, burn-out and professional reorientation, drug addiction, suicidal thoughts, dual diagnosis in cases of suspected giftedness and /or autism, psycho-educational support for children with learning difficulties and psycho-educational intervention for children lacking self-confidence, social skills and emotional control. I also completed basic training in acceptance and commitment therapy at the ACT Academy and I am currently doing a (post-graduate) specialization in cognitive-behavioral therapy at KULeuven (2021-2025). Master in clinical psychology (1999 - 2001) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Basic training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Specialization (postgraduate) in cognitive-behavioral therapy at KULeuven (2021-2025).

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.

Access Information

    • Rue de Fétinne 14, 4020 Liège, Liège, Region Liege
  • Parking

    • No parking available

Payment Methods

    • Cash
    • Payconiq


  • Anger Management
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Emotional disorders
  • Stress



  • Master, VUB, Master en psychologie clinique (1996 - 2001)
  • Postgraduat, KULeuven, Postgraduat en thérapie cognitivo-comportementale (TCC) (2021 - Présent)

Professional experience

  • Psychologue clinicienne, AvanceToi, Belgique (2013 - 2022)
  • Psychologue cliniciennet et thérapeute cognitivo-comportementale en formation, Faresa, Belgique (2017 - Présent)

Participation in conferences

  • Cours de formation continue de quatre jours "Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia - An evidence-based treatment for insomnia" , Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2009)
  • La gestion des enfants difficiles (2 soirées), Opvoedingswinkel Genk (2011)
  • La prise en charge psychoéducative des troubles d'apprentissage (TDA/H - Opposition - colère - estime de soi...) - 4 jours , Psychoeducation (2015)
  • 100 outils d'intervention psychoéducative : habiletés sociales, estime de soi, gestion des émotions (enfants – ados) - 2 jours, Psychoeducation (2016)
  • Traiter l'épuisement professionnel - 2 jours, The Human Link (2018)
  • Journée d'étude "psychologie clinique et travail transdiagnostique", VVKP (2018)
  • L'entretien motivationnel appliqué aux problèmes d'alcool et de drogue - 3 soirées , Maison de la Santé Bruxelles en collaboration avec VAD (2019)
  • Formation d'introduction à la thérapie comportementale dialectique - 1 journée, Faresa (2019)
  • Journée d'étude Body & Mind , VVGT (2020)
  • 'Competitive memory training' pour l'image négative de soi chez les adultes, VGCt (2020)
  • Congrès sur l'anxiété chez l'enfant et le jeune adulte - 5ème édition, Euroregionaal Congresburo (2021)
  • Congrès sur les problèmes de sommeil chez les jeunes enfants - , Euroregionaal Congresburo (2021)
  • Formation de base en 'Acceptance and Commitment Therapy' - 10 jours, Act Academie (2021)
  • Deuxième conférence européenne sur le haut potentiel , ANPEIP (2013)
  • Colloque “Elèves à besoins spécifiques, l’Ecole a besoin de vous !”, Liège (2014)
  • Congrès - Surdouance - problèmes scolaires et sociaux, Euroregionaal Congresburo (2016)
  • Recherche axée sur le traitement des enfants (présumés) surdoués et atteints de TSA - 2 jours, Agnes Burger-Veltmeijer (2018)
  • Prise en charge des personnes suicidaires” (Centre de prévention du suicide et d’accompagnement – 2 jours, ASBL Un pass dans l’impasse (2021)
  • Congres sur la personnalité borderline, Euroregionaal congresburo (2023)

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
  • Dutch


What is the address of the health professional Sille Moens?

The address of the practitioner Sille Moens is Rue de Fétinne 14, 4020 Liège in Liège.

What payment methods does Sille Moens accept?
What languages does the Sille Moens health professional speak?
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